OKX 開戶福利分享,如果你有需要開個 OKX 交易所的帳號,可以透過數位小幫手的邀請碼【DIGITAL20】註冊開戶喔,這樣你可以獲得 20% 的交易手續費折扣!合約交易跟現貨交易都有,能幫你省下一點交易成本 ~
#crypto #blockchain #okx #exchange #register #referral #trading #fee #reward #spot #future #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #歐易 #交易所 #手續費 #優惠 #折扣 #減免 #現貨 #合約 #註冊 #開戶
#開戶 #註冊 #合約 #現貨 #減免 #折扣 #優惠 #手續費 #交易所 #歐易 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #future #spot #reward #fee #trading #referral #register #exchange #okx #blockchain #crypto
Avant-hier, en marchant dans le quartier, j'ai découvert qu'une voisine avait aménagée une maison pour les fées...
Depuis, je m'imagine frapper à cette porte après avoir bu une potion qui fait rapetisser.
Et je rêve sans fin à ce qui se
passerait si.
Did you miss your flight with United airlines due to traffic or other reasons? Don't worry about it. By going through the United Airlines Missed Flight Policy, you will find answers to all your queries.
#fee #policy #easytravel #flight #missed #airlines #united
@VModifiedMind here’s what I have:
/* DM appearance */
.theme-mastodon-light .status__wrapper-direct {
background-color: #fee;
.theme-default .status__wrapper-direct {
background-color: #453240;
The Onion: Bank Of America To Pay $250 Million For Illegal Fees, Fake Accounts https://www.theonion.com/bank-of-america-to-pay-250-million-for-illegal-fees-f-1850648523 #businessfinance #primarydealers #bankofamerica #marcoportman #hugosteltor #leacarson #bank #fee
#businessfinance #primarydealers #bankofamerica #marcoportman #hugosteltor #leacarson #bank #fee
Gizmodo: Bank of America Fined $150 Million for Overusing Overdraft Fees and Opening Fake Accounts https://gizmodo.com/bank-of-america-fined-150-overdraft-fees-fake-accounts-1850628213 #consumerfinancialprotectionbureau #wellsfargocrosssellingscandal #regionsfinancialcorporation #businessfinance #paymentsystems #corporatecrime #bankofamerica #rohitchopra #creditcard #overdraft #bank #debt #fee
#consumerfinancialprotectionbureau #wellsfargocrosssellingscandal #regionsfinancialcorporation #businessfinance #paymentsystems #corporatecrime #bankofamerica #rohitchopra #creditcard #overdraft #bank #debt #fee
Bitcoin’s 2024 Halving Presents New Challenges: A Deep Dive Into the Future of Mining Rewards - As we wrap up the initial six months of 2023, the Bitcoin network inches closer to... - https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoins-2024-halving-presents-new-challenges-a-deep-dive-into-the-future-of-mining-rewards/ #landscapetransformation #networkparticipation #fee-to-rewardsratio #miningdistribution #miningparticipants #earningsreduction #revenuedecrease #bitcoinhalving #blocksubsidy #marketprices
#marketprices #blocksubsidy #bitcoinhalving #revenuedecrease #earningsreduction #miningparticipants #miningdistribution #fee #networkparticipation #landscapetransformation
streaming #companies will say um we're increasing your #subscription #fee. no password sharing. no screenshots allowed. please subscribe to a separate channel for this movie and another for this tv show. free trial but put in your card details so we can charge you if you forget to cancel. this title is a rental only that's 4.99 please. this title is not available in your region. you are begging people to #torrent at this point Like ye are off the edge of the map matey here there be #pirates argh argh argh 🦜☠️
#companies #subscription #fee #torrent #pirates
"No one owns the #water.
No one owns the #land.
No one owns the #oceans.
No one owns the #sand.
These are given by our mother.
The #planet provides for #free.
Only by the hands of the #greedy,
Does the #Earth require a #fee.
— #Poet Christopher"
#water #land #oceans #sand #planet #free #greedy #earth #fee #Poet
I would have totally left #Telus over a credit card fee if I was with them. (I'm with one of their discount brands that doesn't charge the fee). I'm glad they are getting rid of it!
#telus #creditcars #fee #consumerprotection
Wired: How to Switch to Google Fi (2023): Plans, Tips, and Advice https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-switch-to-google-fi/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Phones #Gear/HowToandAdvice #Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum #Shopping #telecoms #Wireless #phones #how-to #Gear
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #fee #shopping #telecoms #wireless #phones #how
How to Switch to Google Fi (2023): Plans, Tips, and Advice - Here’s everything you need to know about switching from Verizon, T-Mobile, or AT&T to... - https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-switch-to-google-fi/ #gear/products/phones #gear/howtoandadvice #fee-fi-fo-fum #gear
E-Scooter Fee-Floating in den deutschen Städten
#News #Bird #E-Scooter #Fee-Floating #Parkverbotszonen #Städte #Tier
#news #bird #e #fee #parkverbotszonen #stadte #tier
Pour me décrire en 3 mots, je dirais que je suis #guide, #fée #Bisounours.
Et maintenant, à VOUS de me dire qui vous êtes ! En3 mots ou en plus, comme vous le sentez. 😊
🧚🏻 Elfen-#Halskette *Rosen-Elfe* 🌹 Das Köpfchen der #Elfe besteht aus einer #Künstler-#Perle aus venezianischem #Glas. Die kleine #Fee bildet den #Anhänger an der #Kette aus #Glasperlen und #Rosenblüten. --> https://www.klunkerfisch.de/produkt/elfen-halskette-rosen-elfe
#rosenbluten #Glasperlen #Kette #anhanger #fee #glas #perle #kunstler #Elfe #halskette
Alles in allem ist das #Galaxy #A5 sicher um einiges leistungsfähiger als ein #Wiko #Sunset. Das Manko mit dem fehlenden zweiten #Simslot und dem fest verbauten #Akku muß ich irgendwie verschmerzen. Dafür habe ich ein Android 8, guten Klang, BT, NFC und bessere Optik. Ob ich das alles wirklich brauche, wird sich zeigen.
#Danke an #Osterhasi in Gestalt einer wunderbaren #Fee, die mir Gutes tut.
Aber kurz mal Fotos schießen macht schon Spass damit....
#fee #osterhasi #danke #Akku #simslot #sunset #wiko #a5 #galaxy
Tourist impact on Hawaii's environment.
"The harassment of wildlife like dolphins, turtles and Hawaiian monk seals is a recurring problem. Hikers can unknowingly bring invasive species into the forest on their boots. Snorkellers and boats trample on #coral, adding stress to reefs already struggling with invasive algae and coral bleaching."
#Tourism #Conservation #Fee #GBR #Reef #Wildlife
#coral #tourism #conservation #fee #gbr #reef #wildlife
kann denn nicht ein einziges mal jemand an die Kinder denken?!
(aus dem Archiv)
#kindergrundsicherung #gratis #fee #lindner #cartoon
Neu auf D3: Silber und Kristall
Falls Ihr euch hierher verirrt habt, weil Ihr auf der Suche nach einem Abenteuer für Eure jüngsten Helden seid, dann werft einen Blick auf dieses Werk. Dieses Abenteuer richtet sich an Kinder ab 6 Jahren und beeinhaltet viele Tipps und Anregungen für Dungeon-Master, um auch die wildeste Ho
#Fan-Abenteuer #D&D5 #dmsguild #Einhorn #fan #Fee #Kinder #Kobold #Ländlich #Neutral #PDF #RonnyMöller #pnpde #dnd
#fan #d #dmsguild #einhorn #fee #kinder #kobold #landlich #neutral #pdf #ronnymoller #pnpde #dnd