Habe gerade online ein #Bahn|ticket gekauft und wollte danach konstruktive Verbesserungsvorschläge zu Buchungsprozess loswerden.
Super, habe ich gedacht, gleich hier auf den #Feedback-Knopf klicken.
Nach mindestens 25 Fragen zu Preisgestaltung und Auslastungsanzeige soll ich jetzt auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewerten welchen Einfluss Angebote wie "Das ICE-Portal" auf meine Reisentscheidung hatten und laut Statusbalken kommen wohl noch mindestens 100 Fragen. 🤦
→ beste Feedbackverhinderung!
⭐ NEW⭐
On Wednesday, Sept. 20, starting at 6:30 p.m., MCDOT will hold an in-person public meeting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, Wisconsin Room, located at 4805 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda to discuss and gather community feedback on possible long-term improvements to the Norfolk Ave. Streetery area.
Details▶️ https://www2.montgomerycountymd.gov/mcgportalapps/Press_Detail.aspx?Item_ID=43963&Dept=50
#montgomerycountymd #maryland #bethesadamd #streetery #meeting #feedback #study #pedestriansafety #traffic #commerce
#montgomerycountymd #maryland #bethesadamd #streetery #meeting #feedback #study #pedestriansafety #traffic #commerce
#Feedback is ✨key✨ & is part of #sociocracy in any decision-making process. We ask for feedback in the quick reactions round and do a consent round where we get valuable feedback if anyone objects.
Learn more about it in our class 👉 https://t.co/JxjQyyiWwS https://t.co/CCi4Zop6Ay
Trots om deel uit te maken van een landelijke werkgroep van onderwijsexperts! Samen hebben we hard gewerkt aan een baanbrekende tool om de feedbackgeletterdheid van studenten te bevorderen. 🚀
Check onze eerste ervaringen met de gesprekstool op https://lerenvantoetsen.nl/hoe-stimuleer-je-een-feedback-dialoog-eerste-ervaringen-met-een-gesprekstool/ - Een geweldige stap voorwaarts in het onderwijs!
#onderwijs #feedback #ontwikkeling #samenwerking
Spiral Delay Delay Plugin by Davisynth
Ping-Pong with a Twist
Spiral Delay is a step up from your basic ping-pong delay! It makes echoes that slowly pan back and forth at an adjustable speed. This amounts to a ping-pong style delay but instead of switchin
#AppleSilicon #AU #BandpassFilter #Davisynth #delay #Effects #feedback #filter #free #Hard #Intel #Life #MacOS #notes #pan #twist #VST3 #Windows
#applesilicon #au #bandpassfilter #davisynth #delay #effects #feedback #Filter #free #hard #intel #life #macOS #notes #pan #twist #vst3 #windows
" #Designing #humility and #forgiveness #into #social #media #products "
Let's #perish this #selfinflicted #conditioning #throw away the #black #bags full of #resentment and #spite
#loops #feedback #negative #crush #spite #resentment #bags #black #throw #conditioning #selfinflicted #perish #products #media #social #into #forgiveness #humility #designing
Mocht je een vriendin/ vrouw hebben, dan ben ik benieuwd wat ze vindt als je zegt dat je voor vanavond een defibrillator hebt voor in bed.
Ik vind het behoorlijk ziek dat je hier grappen over durft te maken.
Misschien de volgende keer tot 60 tellen?
Blijkbaar komt de #feedback niet aan.
Variety Of Sound NastyDLA mkIII v3.0 WiN [FREE]
The mkIII version fulfils some of the most wanted improvements, especially adding oversampling and VST3 support. In addition, many details under the lid have been polished or upgraded to state-of-the-art signal processing, further improving compression, gai
#2023 #delay #feedback #free #Gain #notes #VarietyOfSound #VST #VST3 #Windows #x64 #x86
#delay #feedback #free #gain #notes #varietyofsound #vst #vst3 #windows #x64 #x86
🧐 8 Passi per una #Proposal di Successo nella #Dash #DAO!
- Titolo chiaro e vantaggi per Dash.
- #Feedback pre-Proposal.
- Usa il tuo nome o Keybase.
- #Video o sito #Web aumentano il successo.
🤓 Continua e approfondisci alla seguente pagina:
#proposal #dash #dao #feedback #video #web
I think a project I want to do when @The_Augusto and I get set up in our new apartment is to set up a home [media] server. PC game streaming, Jellyfin, NextCloud. All virtualized of course and probably on #Debian as the base operating system, ChimeraOS for the game server, then Docker for the other services.
#Linux #LinuxGaming #Virtualization #server #streaming #gaming #nextcloud #feedback
#feedback #NextCloud #Gaming #Streaming #Server #virtualization #LinuxGaming #Linux #Debian
Stargazer by Linda Audio
Stargazer is a hybrid delay / reverb with shimmer grain generator.
The unique effect that can transform any sound to the ethereal shimmering soundscape,
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #filter #free #FreeDownload #hybrid #LindaAudio #Mix #Modulation #music #Network #organ #other #Pitch #Presets #reverb #SFX #Stereo #Time #tool #transform #VST #VST3 #wider #Windows #x64 #x86
#ambient #chorus #delay #effect #feedback #Filter #free #freedownload #hybrid #lindaaudio #mix #modulation #music #network #organ #other #pitch #presets #reverb #sfx #stereo #time #tool #transform #vst #vst3 #wider #windows #x64 #x86
I had today an absolute blast at speaking with someone that I followed for quite some time here on :mastodon:
We talked for 2 hours 🤯 (but truth be told, maybe it's me becoz well that's the usual with many people I meet: I am a sucker for deep conversation 😁).
He gave me some beautiful links which are so on point with what I'm doing right now! And that sparked a desire to talk again on the subject of the art of giving #feedback.
I'll be doing a #sketchnote on it this month.
I'll be testing it out myself but a few basic tests seem to indicate it works (in Chromium browsers). Would be happy to garner #feedback from others.
Be warned, the UI is ugly. =)
Anyone down to give #feedback on my #portfolio? There are parts of it I think I should be reworking but I want to know if there is anything that is an instant turn off.
#feedback #portfolio #gamedev #programming
Das #CCCamp23-Programm-Team freut sich über #Feedback und ich freue mich mit, deswegen:
Was hat Euch beim #DigitaleGewalt-Talk gefallen? Was nicht so? Warum?
Bitte hier entlang: https://pretalx.c3voc.de/camp2023/talk/Z9BF9L/feedback/
#cccamp23 #feedback #digitalegewalt
Auch empfinde ich mich selbst als nicht so sehr interrasant da ich ja nur erzähle was ich denke, erlebt habe und wie ich bin.
Völlig normal und unspektakulär eben.
Daher wollte ich mal Danke sagen für euer interesse an meinen Troets und an meiner Person.
Danke auch für das sehr positive #Feedback zum Thema #Bildbeschreibungen . Es freut mich wenn ich den ein oder anderen dazu inspirieren konnte auch welche zu schreiben.
Danke ihr seid toll.💓