Good morning. It will be nice and warm again today so started early. To kick-start my phd, I have started to delve into a what exactly a systematic review is. I like what I know so far. Indeed nice systematic collection, deliberate deletion and delineation. I will continue with that today. What do you think Add grey sources or not? #Education #feedbackliteracy #SystematicReview #phd
#education #feedbackliteracy #systematicreview #phd
Focus here on #SoTL
/ research in #HealthProfessionsEducation across #AlliedHealth but especially #OccupationalTherapy
Teaching and research in #simulation-based education
Student #Assessment nerd also interested in #FeedbackLiteracy
Value and encourage accessible practices (broadly speaking). Always learning.
#feedbackliteracy #assessment #simulation #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #healthprofessionseducation #sotl
A short bio to find the right people. I am interested in all kind of things. My main subjects are #education, #onderwijs and #feedbackliteracy. In private live I am a breeder of #wolfdogs living in #zeeland. Hopefully I will enjoy myself here as much as I use to do on twitter
#zeeland #wolfdogs #feedbackliteracy #onderwijs #education
#Academic loving #Research in #HealthProfessionsEducation
#Simulation #SIM & #WorkIntegratedLearning #WIL #Placements in #OccupationalTherapy & #AlliedHealth #weAHP
Projects on SIM #EducationalDesign, #SimulatedPatients, #StudentAssessment, #FeedbackLiteracy, #ClinicalReasoning + more. #Rasch and #Assessment nerd. Growing partnerships for #FirstNations #Indigenous SIM and #CulturalResponsiveness.
#Learner #Disabled #ChronicIllness
Struggles against #academia
#introduction #academic #research #healthprofessionseducation #simulation #sim #workintegratedlearning #wil #Placements #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #educationaldesign #simulatedpatients #studentassessment #feedbackliteracy #clinicalreasoning #rasch #firstnations #indigenous #learner #disabled #chronicillness #academia #weahp #assessment #culturalresponsiveness