Jackie Wolf · @JackWolf
98 followers · 938 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

The latest episode of reviews Hansen's new paper currently under review. I already realized this, how they've under-called the impacts and And I already over my initial shock. The is low-balling their projections. - ecoshock.org/2023/01/hansen-a-

#radioecoshock #feedbacks #ipcc #climateaction #globalwarming #arctic #survival #scientists #disaster

Last updated 2 years ago

🇺🇦 Sean Prophet ⚛ · @sean
1034 followers · 1038 posts · Server blacksun.social

Proponents of capitalism and economic libertarianism are constantly demagoguing that world conditions are "better than ever."

Every year this gets more false. Particularly because fossil fueled climate change is wiping out prior gains.

Growth in renewable energy has reduced the increase in temperature in the past 5 years. But we're still far off track from meeting goals. Runaway climate are still a looming threat.

is the disease, and can never be the cure.

#climate #feedbacks #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Jackie · @JackieWolf
11 followers · 130 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@itnewsbot Oh man, think of the zones that will be disturbed as abrupt climate change accelerates.

#methane #hydrate #feedbacks

Last updated 2 years ago

„Katja, du tootest zuviel.
Hat mich bei Twitter schon gestört.“

Danke, dass ihr euch die Zeit nehmt, mir solche zu geben.

Aber ich bin wie ich bin und erfülle auch deswegen nie alle Erwartungen.
Manchmal nicht mal meine eigenen.

Daher seht es mir bitte nach, dass ich in Sachen Quantität schwerlich perfekt werden kann.

Wenn ich inhaltlich Fehler mache oder ihr andere Ideen und Perspektiven einbringen wollt:
Immer gern!



Last updated 2 years ago

Rythur · @rythur
109 followers · 1163 posts · Server mastodon.social

In reading about the ongoing European heat wave, it occurred to me that, in some ways, the world is experiencing the heat generated by falsely excessive oil profits. This heat, in turn, generates excessive deaths, which ripple throughout the minds of those directly and indirectly affected. This ripple of the minds then generates more to the turmoil of life when it reaches society en mass. It seems one or a few were to gain so that all known was strife.

#greed #glut #feedbacks #complexcycles

Last updated 2 years ago