I hope this new wave of switchers has a lot of #machining and #shopLife people. Come for the lack of centralization, stay for the chitchat about #cad, #feedsAndSpeeds, and whether left-handed threads are the work of the deep state. 😹
#feedsandspeeds #cad #shoplife #machining
Spindle Upgrade Makes PocketNC Faster and Smoother - Conventional wisdom says that rigidity is the name of the game when it comes to ma... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/27/spindle-upgrade-makes-pocketnc-faster-and-smoother/ #feedsandspeeds #cnchacks #pocketnc #chatter #spindle #5-axis #collet #er-11 #bldc #cnc #esc
#esc #cnc #bldc #er #collet #spindle #chatter #pocketnc #cnchacks #feedsandspeeds