Giving #cyberpunk2077 a little replay for the occasion.
Realizing that I can't identify with V so much, but I can with J.Silverhand. Johnny is 9 years younger than me. Keanu Reeves is 15 years older than me. Maybe that's why. Maybe I'm closer to the mindset that Mike Pondsmith had in mind when creating him. Maybe today I'm just feeling old. #feelingoldyet just... Meh.
"Die Software (von ca. 2003-2005) war dunkelgrau" ist schon so bisschen das "Ich weiß den Titel nicht mehr, aber das Cover war blau", oder?
Welche Programme waren nicht dunkelgrau oder dunkel-graublau? (Es sei denn, es wurde eins der ... ästhetisch wertvollen Themes von Windows Millennium aktiviert. Die alle irgendwie noch grauenhafter aussahen, als das Original.)
ok just seen a ps2 listed as vintage...
nope. nope. thats almost like new! come on. I mean it only came out a feew years ago surely.