Schön war‘s, beim Heidelberger Literaturfestival #feelit zu spielen 🥰
Vor allem das Ambiente mit dem Spiegelzelt ein absolutes Highlight
In bester Gesellschaft morgen… 10:30 Uhr in #Heidelberg im Spiegelzelt (Universitätsplatz) beim Internationalen #Literaturfestival #feelit. Ich freue mich schon sehr!
#feelit #literaturfestival #heidelberg
“Every Single Second Is An Opportunity To Change Your Life Because In Any Moment You Can Change The Way You Feel.” – Rhonda Byrne
#change #changed #changeispossible #changelives #changemaker #changes #changetheworld #consciousness #feel #feeling #feelings #feelit #healing #lifestylechange #meditate #meditation #meditationpractice #meditations #mindset #newopportunity #opportunity #opportunityawaits #opportunityknocks #positivity #VEROwellness #TMGcommunity @verowellness
#change #changed #changeispossible #changelives #changemaker #changes #changetheworld #consciousness #feel #feeling #feelings #feelit #healing #lifestylechange #meditate #meditation #meditationpractice #meditations #mindset #newopportunity #opportunity #opportunityawaits #opportunityknocks #positivity #verowellness #tmgcommunity
Still working on the release and the little things attached to it ... some more days. #simracing #feelit