@wiredprairie just started writing one of these myself today #feelyourpain must have restarted VS 20 times. However very happy with the results
How to say, “my condolences” in Hebrew.
#condolences #mycondolences #hebrewvocabulary #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #shiva #jewishcustoms #shloshim #griefsupport #sympathy #hebrewphrase #culturelesson #hebrewteacher #condolencecard #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #mythoughts #myprayers #mysympathy #feelyourpain #prayers #Fediverse #Mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
#condolences #mycondolences #hebrewvocabulary #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #shiva #jewishcustoms #shloshim #griefsupport #sympathy #hebrewphrase #culturelesson #hebrewteacher #condolencecard #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #mythoughts #myprayers #mysympathy #feelyourpain #prayers #fediverse #mastodon #jewdiverse #mazeldon
@Aminorjourney My hobie made a tall stool for my standing desk when I started remote work during 2020. I slip off it once a week but haven't actually fallen. I expect it will happen at some point though. #FeelYourPain
@CraigKendrickNZ over here, I'm the one with the fecking painful shoulder from doing... nothing? #FeelYourPain