Thandiswa - Jikijela #Λατερνα
Released as a single for the album, the song speaks to the #FeesMustFall student movement and their bravery in fighting the good fight. The song features the voice of #FeesMustFall student leaders and activist Mcebo Dlamini.
Thandiswa - Jikijela
Released as a single for the album, the song speaks to the #FeesMustFall student movement and their bravery in fighting the good fight. The song features the voice of #FeesMustFall student leaders and activist Mcebo Dlamini.
#FeesMustFall – South Africa’s Student Movement for Free Education
Unicorn Riot: **#FeesMustFall – South Africa’s Student Movement for Free Education**
"Durban, South Africa – Beginning in October of 2015, South Africa’s #FeesMustFall movement has gone on to send shockwaves through a country struggling with the ever persistent issues of shrinking public budgets, mass unemployment and poverty. As a result, almost every year since, tens of… The post #FeesMustFall – South Africa’s Student Movement for Free Education appeared first on UNICORN RIOT. "
#FeesMustFall – South Africa’s Student Movement for Free Education #Direct_Action #Global #african_national_congress #Apartheid #Cape_Town #eff #fees_must_fall #FeesMustFall #harvard #jacob_zuma #Johannesburg #rhodes_must_fall #RhodesMustFall #south_africa #student_movement #University_of_Cape_Town #University_of_the_Witwatersrand #University_of_the_Witwatersrand
#feesmustfall #Direct_Action #global #african_national_congress #apartheid #Cape_Town #eff #fees_must_fall #harvard #jacob_zuma #johannesburg #rhodes_must_fall #RhodesMustFall #south_africa #student_movement #university_of_cape_town #university_of_the_witwatersrand
The SSA spied on/infiltrated Greenpeace, Right2Know, #FeesMustFall & other civil society orgs. Our demands for details of this have been ignored. @StateSecurityRS
Today. 23rd November, 11 AM, #MandiHouse
Go join.
*Citizens' March to Parliament.*
In defence of inclusive public education and democratic rights.
#solidarity #jnu #feesmustfall #condemnpolicebrutality #VCmustgo
#MandiHouse #solidarity #jnu #feesmustfall #condemnpolicebrutality #VCmustgo
Exceptional bravery, fortitude, in resisting this #Modi-proto-fascist government, stooge of a hardcore #rightwing VC, their machinations towards implementing #neoliberalism on steroids. Bravo, brava! More power to the #students, and the #teachers.
#JNUProtests #standwithJNU #feesmustfall
#neoliberalism #rightwing #teachers #modi #students #JNUProtests #standwithJNU #feesmustfall
We mustn't choose the wrong model for mindless emulation. #jnu kids are doggedly fighting for a large Indian constituency that desperately needs accessible and affordable hi-ed towards a life of mobility, equality and dignity. Let's show them some real solidarity. Corporatisation, privatisation of public hi-ed cannot be allowed to succeed in India.
#jnu #feesmustfall #jnuprotest
Education is the basic human right of each and every citizen.
It must be provided by govt with minimum fee so that everyone can afford it.
If you are so worried abt your tax money then ask your govt to not spent 1000s Crores on statues/Advertisements etc.
#feesmustfall #india #jnuprotest
Have a read.
Interesting quick glimpse of intelligent possibilities.
Reject the US model of corporatisation, privatisation of hi-ed.
#jnu students are fighting for all who need affordable education for a life of equality & dignity. #feesmustfall
'The US charges the most money to attend public colleges among OECD countries. The average annual tuition for US public colleges cost more than $6,000, acc to a 2011 report from OECD. When you add up the cost of living, books... other expenses, the average cost of US in-state public university can total $25,290 a year..'