Small town #Pride was awesome yesterday! But I'm exhausted. So #Today is a bare minimum effort at work.
The give-away books I ordered arrived the day before, so we're helping to save #TerryPrachett's good name from the asshole #GenderCriticals trying to claim him.
#LittleFreeLibrary #Books #UsedBooks
#FeetOfClay #MonstrousRegiment
#GNUTerryPratchett #BooksofMastodon
#pride #today #TerryPrachett #gendercriticals #littlefreelibrary #books #usedbooks #feetofclay #monstrousregiment #gnuterrypratchett #BooksofMastodon
I want lots of copies of #MonsterousRegiment & #FeetOfClay by #TerryPratchett to hand out for my local #Pride - and I can only afford cheap #UsedPaperbacks
#Bookstodon - what are your favorite online retailers of #UsedBooks that are #affordable and #NotAmazon ?
#monsterousregiment #feetofclay #terrypratchett #pride #usedpaperbacks #bookstodon #usedbooks #affordable #notamazon
Ignoring some terrible amateur political punditry on FB, so I'm indulging some #reading obsessions via #usedbooks.
#AmericanOriginsofChurchesofChrist by #RichardHughes, #TheLostArtofScripture by #KarenArmstrong, #WelcometotheGoddamnIceCube by #BlairBraverman, #SomethingFierce by #CarmenAguirre, #FeetofClay by #AnthonyStorr, #NaturalCauses by #DanHurley
#religioustrauma #bookstodon #books
#bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #chlie #allende #revolution #cults #excoc
#excoc #cults #revolution #allende #chlie #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #books #bookstodon #ReligiousTrauma #danhurley #naturalcauses #anthonystorr #feetofclay #carmenaguirre #somethingfierce #blairbraverman #welcometothegoddamnicecube #KarenArmstrong #thelostartofscripture #richardhughes #americanoriginsofchurchesofchrist #usedbooks #reading
Really really enjoyed Pratchetts Lords and Ladies. It's one of the few that I've been disappointed it ended.
Next up - Feet of Clay coz that's what was available on BorrowBox.
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ❌️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
#LordsAndLadies #TerryPratchett #FeetOfClay #BorrowBox #Pratchett
#LordsAndLadies #terrypratchett #feetofclay #borrowbox #pratchett
A good video from about a year ago:
Hijacking The Dead? #TerryPratchett & the #Trans "Debate"
I enjoyed this discussion of #TransgenderRepresentation in the #Discworld #Books (which should be my next #Reread )
CW - Includes discussion of #BirdSite posts, including the thoughts of @neilhimself & #RhiannaPratchett
#TerryPratchett #GNU
#Discworld #EqualRites #FeetOfClay #TheFifthElephant #MonsterousRegiment
#CheeryLittlebottom #Jackrum
#terrypratchett #trans #transgenderrepresentation #discworld #books #reread #birdsite #rhiannapratchett #GNU #equalrites #feetofclay #thefifthelephant #monsterousregiment #cheerylittlebottom #jackrum #TransRightsAreHumanRights
Rolf Harris
Bill Cosby
Ricky Gervais
JK Rowling
Scott Adams
#NeverMeetYourIdols #FeetOfClay
#Racism #Homophobia #Transphobia #Sexism #Misogyny #RWNJ #Disappointment
#nevermeetyouridols #feetofclay #racism #homophobia #transphobia #sexism #misogyny #rwnj #disappointment
Thinking about this #Pratchett quote a lot lately. #WhenTheVoicelessSpeak
" The vampire looked from the golem to Vimes.
‘You gave one of them a voice?’ he said.
'That’s blasphemy,’ said the vampire.
He gasped as Vimes shot him a glance like sunlight. ’That’s what people say when the voiceless speak.’"
-- #TerryPratchett #FeetOfClay
#gnuterrypratchett #feetofclay #terrypratchett #whenthevoicelessspeak #pratchett
Right time for a #Discworld audiobook to try and relax a bit. #FeetOfClay tonight.
And once again, Pratchett on Team Being-A-Landlord-Is-Bad-Actually: “When Nobby had gone Vimes reached behind the desk and picked up a faded copy of Twurp’s Peerage or, as he personally thought of it, the guide to the criminal classes. You wouldn’t find slum-dwellers in these pages, but you would find their landlords.” Yup.
#discworld #feetofclay #terrypratchett #LandlordsAreBad #books #tordotcom