#feilnerism "Gegen die #Enshitification durch #KI hilft nur #Dezentralisierung und #Diversifizierung."
#feilnerism #enshitification #ki #dezentralisierung #Diversifizierung
#feilnerism : The term "End Of Life" is symptomatic for most of our IT #security problems. All of them like #viruses, #ransomware etc. are only possible because admins/vendors dont fix problems (in time or anymore)
Explanation: Proprietary soft- and hardware as well as professional admins or developers have to follow business models, they don't/can't care about old, deprecated soft/hardware. The term "End Of Life" is symptomatic. #itsecurity #cyber #securitytheater #opensource sorry for brevity
#feilnerism #security #viruses #ransomware #itsecurity #cyber #securitytheater #opensource
#feilnerism: Cars are Personas that we "slip" into. Every car represents a character we adapt (in)to when driving.
@rueckbau Nope. Den Humor müssen wir schon aushalten.
"To be vegan about something" (#feilnerism) : to be verbose and vocal about one's opinion, demanding active tolerance and precautions by others.
Das ist ja meist ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil. Ich habe mal Arch User als die Veganen unter den Linux-Menschen bezeichnet. :-)
"How do you spot an arch user at a party? You don't have to, she'll tell you"
Die Menschheit scheitert gerade an Ihrer Unfähigkeit, konzertiert, gemeinsam und konzentriert zu handeln – global. #feilnerism
I've been saying that we need a third class of texts:
* fiction
* non-fiction
* AI-fiction
which is neither of the first, often cannot be classified.
Maybe the new class can be called "BARD FICTION", to honor Google. Or "TAY FICTION" if you want to honor Microsoft.
#AI #KI #chatGPT #Bart #jameswebb #jwt #feilnerism #feilnerisms
#ai #ki #chatgpt #bart #jameswebb #jwt #feilnerism #feilnerisms
I've been saying that we need a third class of texts:
* fiction
* non-fiction
* AI-fiction
which is neither of the first, often cannot be classified.
Maybe the new class can be called "BART FICTION", to honor Google. Or "TAY Fiction" if you want to honor Microsoft.
#AI #KI #chatGPT #Bart #jameswebb #jwt #feilnerism #feilnerisms
#chatgpt #bart #ki #jwt #feilnerism #ai #jameswebb #feilnerisms
Any approach based on centralized control is not scalable and thus will fail.
The biggest problem with #AI and similar technologies (#Metaverse, social networks, infrastructure) is that they are not federated and dezentralized.
They are not suitable anymore for this industrial revolution that we see happening. Decentralized, people-run, non-profit-oriented stuff is the new hot stuff.
#CathedralAndBazaar anybody?
#feilnerism #CathedralAndBazaar #ai #metaverse
Another #feilnerism...
Bots are the dead wood of the post surveillance Kapitalismus age.
Nein! Doch! Ooooh!
"Es reichen ja schon 5 Prozent Falschaussagen, um das ganze System ziemlich unbrauchbar zu machen"
Bei #heise hat wohl auch keiner #Bostrom gelesen. Der hat das vor zehn oder mehr Jahren schon alles beschrieben und vorhergesagt. Schade, das so wenige Menschen an solchen Meta- und Wissenschaftlichen Themen interesse haben. #ChatGPT
#Feilnerism: "There's always one more Meta!"
#heise #chatgpt #bostrom #feilnerism