Since it's both #GingerCatAppreciationDay and #FelidFriday, I thought I'd share the ginger cats I have known and loved. Simba is still with us, the other two have sadly passed on (James was a childhood pet).
#cats #pets #animals
#gingercatappreciationday #felidfriday #cats #pets #animals
For #FelidFriday this week, Pallas's cat (Otocolobus manul) - the original grumpy cat! It's found in high plateau and steppe country across Asia. An alternate name for it is the manul.
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
For #FelidFriday this week, the serval (Leptailurus serval), a long-legged, big-eared cat from Africa.
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#FelidFriday The fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), native to Asia. As its name suggests, it's fond of water and commonly eats fish. This is a captive one, photographed at Exmoor Zoo.
#felids #cats #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #felids #cats #animals #wildlife
For #FelidFriday this week, the margay (Leopardus wiedii). It's native to South and Central America and is largely arboreal.
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#FelidFriday The jaguar, third largest of the cats after the tiger and lion. A magnificent and powerful predator ... with a cute little tongue. :)
#felids #cats #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #felids #cats #animals #wildlife
For #FelidFriday this week, the leopard. It's the most widespread of the large cats, found across Asia and Africa in a wide variety of habitats.
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#FelidFriday The jungle cat (Felis chaus), found in Asia and the Middle East. This photo is so old I can't actually remember where/when I took it (it was taken on ACTUAL FILM and scanned into the computer).
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#FelidFriday DID YOU KNOW? The "black panther" is not a species of its own. It's just a term used for melanistic leopards and jaguars (though it originally only applied to black leopards). This is a black jaguar from Chester Zoo.
#blackpanther #felids #cats #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #blackpanther #felids #cats #animals #wildlife
For #FelidFriday this week, Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi), a small puss native to South America.
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
The male lion is the only felid with a mane. It serves to make him look bigger and more intimidating to other males, and more attractive to females.
#FelidFriday #lions #cats #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #lions #cats #animals #wildlife
For #FelidFriday this week, the Eurasian lynx. We once had this beautiful animal right here in the UK, but it is now extinct here thanks to human actions. :(
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
A (slightly blurry) yawn for #FelidFriday.
#lions #cats #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #lions #cats #animals #wildlife
#FelidFriday The Asian leopard cat (sleepy edition). This species can be bred with domestic cats to produce the Bengal cat.
#cats #felids #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #cats #felids #animals #wildlife
This #FelidFriday, one of my favourite cats, the clouded leopard. It has the longest canines of any cat in relation to body size.
#felids #cats #animals #wildlife
#felidfriday #felids #cats #animals #wildlife