💛🎓🙌🏾 Say hello to a new Honorary Fellow of West Dean! We had such a beautiful ceremony and magic day. So honoured and excited to receive this fellowship. Congratulations to all graduates and thank you all so much! Here’s a reel … we all had such a special day! Thank you! Xx
#WestDean #Fellowship #SalenaGodden #Awards #Sussex #Fellows #Blackjoy #BlackMastodon #thankyou
#thankyou #BlackMastodon #blackjoy #fellows #sussex #awards #salenagodden #fellowship #westdean
Don't miss the 2023 Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO) conference in Orlando, Florida on September 22-24th.
Scholarship opportunities with free tuition are available for #residents and #fellows. Apply today!
#residents #fellows #CIO #iRad #iradres #IO
Hi #fellows from #mastodon #Session UP2.4 at next #ems23 #emsannual
Multi-purpose session with aims to connect experts of the international scientific community that works on atmospheric and oceanographic areas.
For any questions do not hesitate to contact us! #weather #climatechange #ocean
#fellows #mastodon #session #ems23 #emsannual #weather #climatechange #ocean
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: Enter $5,000
Essay Contest "Describe an unanticipated ethical issue you have encountered, or you have seen colleagues encounter, during your training and the strategies used to address it.”
https://laskerfoundation.org/education/essay-contest/ #InsideTheMatch
#medstudents #residents #fellows #InsideTheMatch
Found an excellent #kalitawave recipe. From top to bottom #onyxcoffee tropical weather grind 5.8 on an #fellows Ode, water 207, 25g of beans, 65g bloom followed by pulse pour to 395. Total brew time about 3:15. Have a excellent Saturday! Thoughts?
#kalitawave #onyxcoffee #fellows
Just got my new #fellows Ode Grinder(g2). Trying it out this morning with a #tricolate and #kalitawave all with some #onyxcoffee decade beans. Tried 3.5 grind for the tricolate, seemed a little course. Tried 5.5 for the wave, seemed a bit fine. What’s your favorite settings on the Ode grinder?
#fellows #tricolate #kalitawave #onyxcoffee
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: Check out and apply for @thegestgroup Trainee Scholarship applications to attend apply for your scholarship to #GEST2023 HERE: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/cd0e76b8058b468c88902a565abc5303
#IRads #IRad #MedEd #IRadRes #embolization #TwittIR #MedTwitter #InsideTheMatch
#medstudents #residents #fellows #gest2023 #irads #iRad #MedEd #iradres #Embolization #twittir #medtwitter #InsideTheMatch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: Check out and apply for @thegestgroup Trainee Scholarship applications to attend apply for your scholarship to #GEST2023 HERE: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/cd0e76b8058b468c88902a565abc5303
#IRads #IRad #MedEd #IRadRes #embolization #TwittIR #MedTwitter #InsideTheMatch
#medstudents #residents #fellows #gest2023 #irads #iRad #MedEd #iradres #Embolization #twittir #medtwitter #InsideTheMatch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows, , @thegestgroup apply for a Trainee Scholarship applications for #GEST2023 HERE: http://bit.ly/3l7OaHj
#IRads #IRad #MedEd #IRadRes #embolization #TwittIR #MedTwitter #InsideTheMatch
#medstudents #residents #fellows #gest2023 #irads #iRad #MedEd #iradres #Embolization #twittir #medtwitter #InsideTheMatch
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: Enter $5,000 @LaskerFDN Essay Contest "Describe an unanticipated ethical issue you have encountered, or you have seen colleagues encounter, during your training and the strategies used to address it.”
https://laskerfoundation.org/education/essay-contest/ #InsideTheMatch
#medstudents #residents #fellows #InsideTheMatch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: Enter $5,000 @LaskerFDN Essay Contest "Describe an unanticipated ethical issue you have encountered, or you have seen colleagues encounter, during your training and the strategies used to address it.”
https://laskerfoundation.org/education/essay-contest/ #InsideTheMatch
#medstudents #residents #fellows #InsideTheMatch
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: interested in the field of Interventional Pain Management and Neuroscience now is the time to join the fastest growing society in this profession. Join #FREE
@ASPN_PainNeuro: https://aspnpain.com
#medstudents #residents #fellows #free #InsideTheMatch
#CallforApplications – KWI is still looking for excellent #postdoc #researchers in the #humanities or #socialsciences
to join the next cohort of #International and Thyssen@KWI #Fellows from October 2023 to March 2024. Remember to apply until 28 February 2023! More information: https://bit.ly/3uRmEzt
#fellows #international #socialsciences #humanities #researchers #postdoc #CallforApplications
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: interested in the field of Interventional Pain Management and Neuroscience now is the time to join the fastest growing society in this profession. Join #FREE
@ASPN_PainNeuro: https://aspnpain.com
#medstudents #residents #fellows #free #InsideTheMatch
#MedStudents-#Residents-#Fellows: interested in the field of Interventional Pain Management and Neuroscience now is the time to join the fastest growing society in this profession. Join #FREE: https://aspnpain.com
#medstudents #residents #fellows #free #InsideTheMatch
指原莉乃プロデュース=LOVEが全国ツアースタート 3・2日本武道館で追加公演開催も発表 https://www.wacoca.com/news/1496246/
#1996年に結成した音楽グループ #6人組の音楽グループ #and #Aska #CHAGE #DAPUMP #Fellows #i☆Ris #NHK紅白歌合戦出演者 #official #μ’s #アイドル #アイドルマスター #アイマス #アスカ #ウマ娘 #エイベックス・グループのアーティスト #シーエー #チャゲアス #ちゃげあすc&a #トップニュース #ナイツ #ナイツラジオ #ニュース #バンドリ #ひみちゃんねる #フェローズ #プリチャン #プリパラ #ラジオ #ラジオビバリー昼ズ #ラジオビバリー昼ズ清水ミチコ #ラブライブ! #久保田未夢 #今日のニュース #声優 #山北早紀 #指原莉乃 #日本のニュース #日本のポップ・アイドルグループ #日本の男性アイドルグループ #最新ニュース #清水ミチコとナイツのラジオビバリー昼ズ #芹澤優 #若井友希 #茜屋日海夏 #虹ヶ咲 #飛鳥 #高田文夫のラジオビバリー昼ズ
#高田文夫のラジオビバリー昼ズ #飛鳥 #虹ヶ咲 #茜屋日海夏 #若井友希 #芹澤優 #清水ミチコとナイツのラジオビバリー昼ズ #最新ニュース #日本の男性アイドルグループ #日本のポップ #日本のニュース #指原莉乃 #山北早紀 #声優 #今日のニュース #久保田未夢 #ラブライブ #ラジオビバリー昼ズ清水ミチコ #ラジオビバリー昼ズ #ラジオ #プリパラ #プリチャン #フェローズ #ひみちゃんねる #バンドリ #ニュース #ナイツラジオ #ナイツ #トップニュース #ちゃげあすc #チャゲアス #シーエー #エイベックス #ウマ娘 #アスカ #アイマス #アイドルマスター #アイドル #μ #official #nhk紅白歌合戦出演者 #i #fellows #dapump #chage #aska #and #6人組の音楽グループ #1996年に結成した音楽グループ
#DUE_TODAY ---- #MedStudents, #residents & #fellows participate in 6th Annual AUA @AmerUrological
Essay Contest-Winning essay will be recognized at AUA2023 in Chicago and published in the The Journal of Urology®-Enter by Jan 24, 2023: https://auanet.org/membership/volunteer-opportunities/volunteer-opportunities-for-residents-and-young-urologists/residents-and-fellows-committee/residents-and-fellows-committee-essay-contest
#due_today #medstudents #residents #fellows #InsideTheMatch
RT @CNS_Update
Only 2 weeks left to submit your application for @NeurosurgeryCNS Resident Fellowship! The Resident Fellow will participate in the editorial process, creative projects, and new initiatives and more! For more info: https://www.cns.org/publications/neurosurgery-publications-resident-fellowship
#resident #fellows #medtwitter
RT @ErikaPetersenMD
Open house for #fellows interested in world class training in #pain and #neuromodulation. Come meet and learn about @UAMSPain
@AMWADoctors @womenMDinanesth @WNGtweets #MedEd #MedTwitter @inside_thematch https://twitter.com/drjgoree/status/1616074286711836676
#fellows #pain #neuromodulation #MedEd #medtwitter
RT @inside_thematch
#MedStudents, #Residents & #Fellows participate in 6th Annual AUA @AmerUrological Essay Contest-Winning essay will be recognized at AUA2023 in Chicago and published in the The Journal of Urology®-Enter by Jan 24, 2023: https://auanet.org/membership/volunteer-opportunities/volunteer-opportunities-for-residents-and-young-urologists/residents-and-fellows-committee/residents-and-fellows-committee-essay-contest
#medstudents #residents #fellows #InsideTheMatch