#NashvilleSchoolShooting Notice DiaperDonny isn't calling for protesters now? Lone MAGA supporter awaits #LoserTrump in New York, fears antifa
“We’re not showing up here by ourselves, you know what happened in the Capitol on January 6,” said Sohaib Gulzar, who’d driven to Trump Tower in Manhattan Saturday.
#FelonCriminalDefendantTrump #TrumpIndicted
#nashvilleschoolshooting #losertrump #feloncriminaldefendanttrump #trumpindicted Notice DiaperDonny isn't calling for protesters now? Lone MAGA supporter awaits #LoserTrump in New York, fears antifa
“We’re not showing up here by ourselves, you know what happened in the Capitol on January 6,” said Sohaib Gulzar, who’d driven to Trump Tower in Manhattan Saturday.
#FelonCriminalDefendantTrump #TrumpIndicted
#losertrump #feloncriminaldefendanttrump #trumpindicted