“Musico was sentenced to 12 to 42 years in prison, w/sentences for 3 charges running consecutively. He received 5 to 20 years for #GangMembership, 5 to 20 years for #ProvidingMaterialSupport to a #terrorist & 2 years for #FelonyFirearm.“
#RightWingExtremism #DomesticTerrorism #DomesticViolentExtremism #StateSponsoredTerror #MAGAterrorism #TrumpIsATerrorist
#gangmembership #providingmaterialsupport #terrorist #felonyfirearm #rightwingextremism #domesticterrorism #domesticviolentextremism #statesponsoredterror #magaterrorism #trumpisaterrorist
“Bellar was sentenced to 7 to 22 years in prison, w/sentences for 2 charges running consecutively. He received 5 to 20 years for #GangMembership, 4 to 20 years for #ProvidingMaterialSupport to a #terrorist & 2 years for #FelonyFirearm.…
“Morrison was sentenced to 10 to 42 years in prison, w/sentences for 3 charges running consecutively. He received 4 to 20 years for #GangMembership, 4 to 20 years for #ProvidingMaterialSupport to a #terrorist & 2 years for #FelonyFirearm.…
#gangmembership #providingmaterialsupport #terrorist #felonyfirearm