Bestie: I don't like to lead with my identity as a D-type.
Me: Me, too.
[Long pause]
Him: Yes, you do.
Me: Me? No! I mean, I let it be *known* but it's not like it's the first thing I throw out there.
Him: Girl, it enters the room before you do.
Well, okay then.
At least I'm consistent.
#dominant #kinkdating #kinkyfeminist #femdomwithanenglishdegree
While Benson is up to dog shenanigans at doggie daycare, I get a much needed mani/pedi: soft sparkly nail polish on my fingers (also sensible length nails because Dog Mom + leash handling) and dark polish on my toes because that's what you'll see when I step on your face.
#saturday #selfcare #femdomwithanenglishdegree #kink
I had a sweet little scene today with A- and I learned a couple things:
💥You can have an impact scene if you make it smaller, quieter, and 'normal'.
👋🏾Close, intimate work makes me giggle and is just as satisfying.
🐶My dog looked on like, This is what we do here, I guess.
Pic: Enjoying my Top drop during this lovely late afternoon.
#bensonupdate #kink #femdomwithanenglishdegree
Him: Is there going to be a President's Day challenge?
Me: Of course. It's a little bit nerdy. A little bit weird. Involving Walt Whitman and Abraham Lincoln.
Him: You are so, so amazing.
#shenanigans #dancepuppetdance #femdomwithanenglishdegree