Added to the lists of #Blame accusations #Women are being blamed for their own #Femicides by the hands of #Ghanian #Men next it’s the #GhanaNews for reporting these stories. Now who’s to blame?#America #GBV #Murder #Women #Wives #Girls #DomesticViolence #DomesticAbuse #Culture #Violence #MentalHealth #Communication #CommunicationSkills #Education
#blame #women #femicides #ghanian #men #ghananews #america #GBV #murder #wives #girls #DomesticViolence #domesticabuse #culture #violence #mentalhealth #communication #communicationskills #Education
Added to the long lists of #Blame and accusations #Women are being blamed for their own #Femicides by the hands of their #Ghanian #Men next it’s the #GhanaNews for reporting these stories. Now who’s to blame? I bet it’s #America #GBV #Murder #Women #Wives #Girls #DomesticViolence #DomesticAbuse #Culture #Violence #MentalHealth #Communication #CommunicationSkills #Education
#blame #women #femicides #ghanian #men #ghananews #america #GBV #murder #wives #girls #DomesticViolence #domesticabuse #culture #violence #mentalhealth #communication #communicationskills #Education
12/03/2023 – Buchpräsentation: Femi(ni)zide. Kollektiv patriarchale Gewalt bekämpfen #Sendungen #buchvorstellung #femicides #feminismus #patriarchat #queer_feminismus
#Sendungen #buchvorstellung #femicides #feminismus #patriarchat #queer_feminismus
5 women & girls were killed EVERY HOUR by a family member in 2021.
We are failing to take action to stop #femicides "through early intervention, #gender responsive policing and justice, and access to survivor centred support and protection."
RT @NehalJohri
I've been trudging through years of India's crime data to figure out what we really know about #femicides. The short answer is: not much. It isn't monitored. But patterns in #genderviolence tell us a lot. So does a woman pushing for a Femicide Observatory.
Αυτό το βίντεο το δημοσίευσε πέρυσι τη Διεθνή Ημέρα για την Εξάλειψη της Βίας κατά των Γυναικών η οργάνωση Διοτίμα και έχει φτιαχτεί σε συνεργασία με τη Lacta.
TW: Είναι βασισμένο στην ιστορία της Γαρυφαλλιάς που δολοφονήθηκε από το σύντροφό της το 2021.
#γυναικοκτονίες #femicides #Greece #Ελλάδα #genderbasedviolence #violenceagainstwomen
#γυναικοκτονίες #femicides #greece #ελλάδα #genderbasedviolence #ViolenceAgainstWomen
Αύριο είναι η Διεθνής Ημέρα για την Εξάλειψη της Βίας κατά των Γυναικών.
Θυμίζω ότι η Ελλάδα είναι τελευταία στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στο δείκτη για την ισότητα των φύλων.
Επίσης, το 2022 έχουν δολοφονηθεί 13 γυναίκες από σύζυγο ή σύντροφο, και αρκετές ακόμα από άλλα άτομα της οικογένειάς τους.
Το 2021 στην Ελλάδα έγιναν 17
#γυναικοκτονίες από σύζυγο ή σύντροφο.
#femicides #Greece #Ελλάδα #genderbasedviolence #violenceagainstwomen
#γυναικοκτονίες #femicides #greece #ελλάδα #genderbasedviolence #ViolenceAgainstWomen
No idea what "True Crime" is but it sounds like public radio in germany has a show where they look at #femicides for entertainment? wtf?
La marche contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles vient de démarrer à #Montpellier #femicides #feminisme
#montpellier #femicides #feminisme
🟣 17/11 at 15:00 in Brussels: Greens/EFA, EU-LAT Network & @boell Conference on #Feminicides: Fighting for #gender justice ♀️✊🏽
🙋🏽♀️ Register here: #femicides #womensrights
#Feminicides #gender #femicides #womensrights
👉🏽 #Greece: „While rapists from the celebrity clique receive no punishment, demos against #femicides – as recently in front of the Greek parliament –are currently being smashed by the police.”
📢 #b0508 #Berlin Kundgebung/Demo #KottbusserTor
#greece #femicides #b0508 #Berlin #KottbusserTor #antireport
In front of the parliament in #Athens today, police did not allow access to women demo for the 3 #femicides of the last days in #Greece. Same police, that continuously doesn't protect women that report violence, like 2 of the recent victims.
#antireport #metoo #greece #femicides #athens
19/12/2021 – Bad News #51 – Angry Voices from around the World #Sendungen #anarchist_prisoners #anarchist_radio #antifa #antifascism #antinational #Bad_News #bulgaria #daniel_baker #english #femicides #halle #international #rainer_löhnert #Thomas_MeyerFalk
#Sendungen #anarchist_prisoners #anarchist_radio #antifa #antifascism #antinational #Bad_News #bulgaria #daniel_baker #english #femicides #halle #international #rainer_löhnert #Thomas_MeyerFalk
Femicedes, erg heftig onderwerp van de podcast The Red Note. De maakster, Lydia Cacho, werd herhaaldelijk bedreigd mr het is haar gelukt om deze podcast over de vrouwenmoorden in Juarez, Mexico, uit te brengen.
Ik had eerder al een boek van haar gelezen: Slavinnen van de macht (2011). Een onderzoek naar internationale kinder- en vrouwenhandel. Ben zeer onder de indruk dat ze nog steeds actief is en deze podcast gemaakt heeft.
#podcast #juarez #femicides #vrouwenmoorden
#Podcast #juarez #femicides #vrouwenmoorden
Femicedes, a very intense subject for a podcast. Lydia Cacho, has been repeatedly threatened but she succeed to release this podcast about the femicides in Juarez, Mexico.
A couple of years ago I read a book by her: Esclavas del poder (2011). An investigation into international child and women trafficking. I am very impressed that she is still active and made this podcast.
#podcast #femicides #juarez