Since there are so many new people, it may be time for a new introduction.
I'm a married mother of four adults, one of whom is #trans. I'm an #LGBTQAlly.
I'm a #SmallBusiness owner since 1993, doing #transcription work originally, then #bookkeeping & #nonprofit administration. I specialize in 990 forms & compliance.
My first degree was in #Architecture w/ Distinction, & my next one was in #Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude, with 2 minors: #Linguistics & #JudaicStudies. Later I received Smicha as a Kohenet - a practitioner of eco- #feminism #kabbalah #mysticism via liturgy & ritual. I have a fledgling #art & #crafts side gig, creating Jewish & #FeminineDivine works.
I'm a Conservative (Masorti) Mashgiach at our shul, and was head of the kitchen from 2012 until 2020 (ie Covid).
Interests: #astronomy #geology #UrbanAg #gardening #Cooking #Sustainability #Urbanism
Advocacy: #WomensRights #ProChoice #ClimateCrisis #FoodSecurity #BLM
Oppose: #WhiteNationalist #ChristoFascist #bigots
#trans #lgbtqally #smallbusiness #transcription #bookkeeping #NonProfit #architecture #philosophy #linguistics #judaicstudies #feminism #kabbalah #mysticism #art #crafts #femininedivine #astronomy #geology #urbanag #gardening #cooking #sustainability #urbanism #womensrights #prochoice #ClimateCrisis #foodsecurity #blm #whitenationalist #christofascist #bigots
#Introductions part 4...
I am a Conservative Mashgiach and lay Cantor, and I was head of the kitchen at our Conservative shul from 2012 until Covid shutdowns, doing #Kosher catering of our hot #Kiddush Lunch every week, as well as #YomTovim and special events. These days after my day job I am a fledgling #Writer and #Artist doing handmade crafts in honor of #Shehinah the #FeminineDivine and Kohenet #Priestess paths, as well as #Kabbalah #Sephirot and Jewish #Mysticism texts.
#introductions #kosher #kiddush #yomtovim #writer #artist #shehinah #femininedivine #priestess #kabbalah #sephirot #mysticism