Since there are so many new people, it may be time for a new introduction.

I'm a married mother of four adults, one of whom is . I'm an .

I'm a owner since 1993, doing work originally, then & administration. I specialize in 990 forms & compliance.

My first degree was in w/ Distinction, & my next one was in , Magna Cum Laude, with 2 minors: & . Later I received Smicha as a Kohenet - a practitioner of eco- via liturgy & ritual. I have a fledgling & side gig, creating Jewish & works.

I'm a Conservative (Masorti) Mashgiach at our shul, and was head of the kitchen from 2012 until 2020 (ie Covid).




#trans #lgbtqally #smallbusiness #transcription #bookkeeping #NonProfit #architecture #philosophy #linguistics #judaicstudies #feminism #kabbalah #mysticism #art #crafts #femininedivine #astronomy #geology #urbanag #gardening #cooking #sustainability #urbanism #womensrights #prochoice #ClimateCrisis #foodsecurity #blm #whitenationalist #christofascist #bigots

Last updated 2 years ago

part 4...

I am a Conservative Mashgiach and lay Cantor, and I was head of the kitchen at our Conservative shul from 2012 until Covid shutdowns, doing catering of our hot Lunch every week, as well as and special events. These days after my day job I am a fledgling and doing handmade crafts in honor of the and Kohenet paths, as well as and Jewish texts.

#introductions #kosher #kiddush #yomtovim #writer #artist #shehinah #femininedivine #priestess #kabbalah #sephirot #mysticism

Last updated 2 years ago