I encourage you to submit nominations for the Okin-Young Award! Email your nominations to one of the selection committee members listed below by April 1st, 2023. #FeministTheory #PoliticalTheory #PoliticalScience #PoliSci #APSA #FeministPhilosophy #Philosophy #GenderStudies #WomensStudies #FeministStudies @genderpolitics @politicalscience
#feministtheory #politicaltheory #politicalscience #polisci #apsa #feministPhilosophy #philosophy #genderstudies #womensstudies #FeministStudies
Who's the real American hero?
#feministPhilosophy #publicphilosophy
How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
The Right to Sex - Amia Srinivasan (read in 2021 but I keep going back to it because it's brilliant)
Hood Feminism - Mikki Kendall
#BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon
#BlackAcademia #Books #FeministPhilosophy #BlackFeminism
#BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #BlackAcademia #books #feministPhilosophy #BlackFeminism
Hi! I'm Ness (she/they) :100_gay: :_gaysparkle:. I'm an #interdisciplinary #gradstudent at #uvic in #philosophy and law. My #thesis is a #feminist intervention of the subjugation of female cows in spaces of #canadian intensive dairy production. I've been working on this for far too long! AOI/S include #feministphilosophy #feministlegaltheory #criticalanimalstudies #ethics #moralpsychology #ecofeminism #disability and most #leftie discourse. My bestie is Zelda, the border collie.
#introduction #interdisciplinary #gradstudent #uvic #philosophy #thesis #feminist #canadian #feministPhilosophy #feministlegaltheory #criticalanimalstudies #ethics #moralpsychology #ecofeminism #disability #leftie
Hashtag salad to connect w/ these two groups outside the communicative capitalism site
1) #FeministTheorists - #FeministTheory #FeministPhilosophy #BlackFeminism #BlackFeministTheory #intersectionality #IntersectionalFeminism #CriticalRaceTheory #DecolonialFeminism #DecolonialTheory #GlobalSouth #TheBody #Abolition #GenderStudies #EthnicStudies #Gender
2) #ReproductiveJustice - #misoprostol #AbortionFunds #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionJustice #SelfManagedAbortion #HealthJustice #AbortionPills
#FeministTheorists #feministtheory #feministPhilosophy #BlackFeminism #BlackFeministTheory #intersectionality #intersectionalfeminism #CriticalRaceTheory #DecolonialFeminism #DecolonialTheory #globalsouth #TheBody #abolition #genderstudies #ethnicstudies #gender #ReproductiveJustice #misoprostol #abortionfunds #AbortionIsHealthcare #Abortionjustice #Selfmanagedabortion #healthjustice #abortionpills
Ok, I'm gonna introduce myself while I wait for them to pull my powerball numbers and for us all to take a step in protecting democracy. Tense day! Some of my areas for rsch & also teaching (which is broad): #litstudies #18thcentury #feministphilosophy #LouiseDupin #genderstudies #translation #mythology #LitScholars #C19thStudies #Rousseau #VirginiaWoolf #epistolarylit #theory #Litodons Just finished an edition/translation and am (maybe?) starting an 18th-c creative non-fiction project soon.
#litodons #theory #epistolarylit #VirginiaWoolf #rousseau #C19thStudies #LitScholars #mythology #translation #genderstudies #LouiseDupin #feministPhilosophy #18thcentury #litstudies