REVIEW: Sara Petite's masterful The Empress unfurls tales of hardscrabble women coming into their own and earning their just rewards. This is feminist outlaw country at its finest, and you can read more about it on Adobe & Teardrops!
#Americana #CountryMusic #AltCountry #OutlawCountry #FeministMusic #feminism #feminist
#feminist #feminism #feministmusic #outlawcountry #altcountry #countrymusic #americana
So excited to share new music by Katilin Butts,
Tami Hart, Helene Cronin and Coleman Jennings and the Roaddogs!
Click below if you're into feminist, queer, and ass-kicking country music, courtesy of The Boot!
#CountryMusic #Americana #QueerCountry #RedDirt #FeministMusic #QueerMusic #feminism #KaitlinButts #riotgrrl #music #musodon @americana
#Countrymusic #americana #queercountry #reddirt #feministmusic #queermusic #feminism #kaitlinbutts #riotgrrl #music #musodon
And she don’t wanna be anybody else
She’s a woman in total control of herself
It’s such a wonder to be under her spell
What a woman in total control of herself
#feministmusic #feministsongs #devoncole #witch