Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
794 followers · 1869 posts · Server post.lurk.org

Post $cript - Écoles sous - : usages, , fichiers, licences.
under - : uses, , files, licenses.

Seconde session bruxelloise
6 mars 2023, 18h30
erg, rue du Page 87, 1050 Bruxelles

Conférences et discussion, ouvertes au public.

Avec , , @Femke
Et l'orientation typographie de l' @Ludi, l'atelier typographie de , et l’atelier de Communication graphique de la Strasbourg.

En janvier 2023, les logiciels Adobe ont arrêté de prendre en charge les polices Postscript de type 1. Ce retrait du format historique pose une série de questions pour les écoles d’art et leurs utilisateurices qui ont fait un investissement dans des polices considérées comme des grands classiques de la typographie au cours des années 1990. [...]
Comment conserver, renouveler l’accès à un patrimoine – typographique [...]? Comment déjouer les stratégies visant à faire croire qu’il faut payer pour être créatif·ve? Comment le web, les licences libres et les fontes variables ont twisté les casses et quels effets esthétiques en résultent? Quelles questions politiques, économiques et impérialistes sourdent sous les choix et les monopoles industriels?

Deux rencontres aller-retour entre Strasbourg-Bruxelles

#licence #typographie #economie #schools #typography #economy #garinegokceyan #benjamingomez #femkesnelting #erg #lacambre #hear

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
773 followers · 1821 posts · Server post.lurk.org

A discussion about with @doriane brings back the 2008 "Dividing and sharing" text by
"It is obviously convenient to organise according to a so­called ’three tier architecture’, confining the work of programmers and the flexibility and speed of work gained from a clear of tasks is not to be underestimated. But if is more than packaging, than work needs to be shared rather than divided to allow for precise connections between presentation and content.
If you think about webdesign as the work of articulation, of making temporary alliances which somehow have the potential to bring perspective to the data presented, then design has to go deeper than skin. It means to engage in the untidy of rendering visible relations between database architecture, filtering and structure of data itself. Each time data appears in a new context is a re­writing, re­staging, reinterpretation. For that to happen in meaningful ways, code, content, behaviour and presentation need to mix and mingle."

#css #femkesnelting #web #development #divisions #design #interdisciplinary #practice

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"The extent to which have embraced , capitalizing on voluntary and free labor, has become clear, as well as how the success of Free/Libre and relied on its alignment with an profiting from and speculating on growth. [...] How can we create conditions for re-use which acknowledge different kinds of contributors? What would a and look like which could acknowledge entangled notions of ? opens up a space for negotiation and conversation, but is far from answering any of these questions. With CC4r, we hope to incite thoughtful and irreverent that do not evade these questions but instead invite its users to inhabit them. For us, CC4r is more than a license. It is a commitment to care for the collective conditions of the many, for “these explosions, the principle and of which we have not begun to grasp, and whose outbursts we cannot predict.""


#femkesnelting #ÉlodieMugrefya #economy #practices #CC4r #authorship #license #feminist #decolonial #exploitation #industry #it #software #opensource #work #freeculture #platforms #extractivist

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"Yet over time, some of the initial spark and potentiality of this inventive proposal has been normalized and the problems and omissions of have become increasingly apparent. The extent to which have embraced Free Culture, capitalizing on voluntary work and free labor, has become clear, as well as how the success of Free/Libre and Software relied on its alignment with an IT industry profiting from exploitation and speculating on growth."

#licence #femkesnelting #ÉlodieMugrefya #opensource #platforms #extractivist #licensing #freeculture #floss

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"From to , a romance of 2.5D", our 4 pages contribution to the "Volumetric Regimes" book of and , with a design by @manetta possiblebodies.constantvzw.org

#JaraRocha #femkesnelting #typography #topology

Last updated 4 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"[...] this text is to insist that in should not be treated as mere collections of points or that can be simply compared quantitatively. [...] If the cut the into pieces, to assemble implied a potential stitching of these fragments. [...] There was if not . [...] Faces1999 is not a small version of a contemporary . A quantitative change reaches out into other dimensions, another space, another coherence, another division of and another practice. Another .
[...] It matters because recognising its volumetric regime changes the questions that can be asked to current datasets too. Instead of asking how large they are, how much they have evolved, I may be asking to which volumetric regime they belong (and they help enact in return). Which means a flurry of new questions need to be raised: what are the dataset's passageways? How do they split and stitch? What are its conjunctive surfaces? What is the division of labour that subtends it? How is the photographic apparatus involved in the regularisation of their objects? And what counts as photographic apparatus in this operation?"

#hugin #JaraRocha #femkesnelting #NicolasMalevé #photography #volumetricregime #photographic #labour #dataset #coherence #cohesion #faces1999 #lab #photos #representations #data #computervision #datasets

Last updated 4 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

Cet automne, l'artiste et chercheuse a répondu à une commande d'écriture de , le sien très passionnant sur... l' . Il a été publié (bizarrement) en toutes capitales sur meltionary.com/meltries/r.html.
Je l'ai traduit en français tentativement sur pads.osp.kitchen/p/the-alphabe
Une liste d'éléments à propos des colonialités dans le champ de la traduit en français aussi sur pads.domainepublic.net/p/type-

#typographie #alphabet #bugreport #femkesnelting

Last updated 4 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

In an ongoing session about "on-line as ", quote "a tries hard not to apologize for not always being available".

#server #feminist #femkesnelting #publishing #teaching

Last updated 4 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

And at the end of the intro by , where the issues of copyleft are very well summarised, she shows her poster, first work, about all licences around the year 2005, and the current relative new florishing phase we are in, wise.

#femkesnelting #scribus #license

Last updated 5 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"Holing in gaug" refers to the practice of working an area already worked by others, and these others are interweaved throughout this project. The practice of "holing in gaug" is part of a practice that continues to chip away at advanced as it continues to work on areas of importance rather than always produce the "new".
+ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_
Quoted by when discussing about current and potential activities

#feminist #capitalism #helenpritchard #femkesnelting #osp

Last updated 6 years ago