When I’m not writing, I’m swording. Today, I managed 2nd place in my club’s spring sabre tournament. Not too shabby for an old man.
FYI: I have a new sci-fi novel coming out soon.
#hema #sabre #saber #fencing #author #scifi #sciencefiction #Fantasy
#Fantasy #sciencefiction #SciFi #author #fencing #saber #sabre #hema
'Stuart Willis talks to philosopher swordsperson Damon Young about how they have applied the lessons they’ve learnt from historical European martial arts (HEMA) to screenwriting. It might sound a bit niche if you don’t write about people hitting each other – or in my case, aliens – with swords, but I promise you that it’s a fascinating listen.'
Thanks to @suw for the shout-out. https://chocolateandvodka.com/2023/06/06/word-count-51-alex-north-webinar-on-thursday-insights-from-sword-fighting-planning-your-writing-year/
#writing #writingCommunity #writingTips #writingAdvice #fencing #HEMA #screenwriting
#screenwriting #hema #fencing #writingadvice #writingtips #writingcommunity #writing
Some fencing I wanted to show. We had Ruggers, i.e. large Bauernwehrs, made for us by Ádám Bodorics. It was interesting fencing with the these, because unlike our "normal" Messers, these have no crossguard, just a Nagel, and they are also shorter.
It was fun seeing how it changed our fencing.
#HEMA #historicalfencing #fencing #Messer #historicaleuropeanmartialarts
#hema #historicalfencing #fencing #Messer #HistoricalEuropeanMartialArts
True Origins - Foil, Épée, Sabre
#Fencing #Swords #OlympicFencing #HEMA #History #MattEaston #ScholaGladiatoria #Foil #Épée #Sabre
#fencing #swords #olympicfencing #hema #history #matteaston #scholagladiatoria #foil #epee #sabre
Bough a new #fencing jacket for this year's partisan course, so I took the chance to customise it, and aside from colours, I added a verse from the Englynion Y Beddau on the back.
Can't wait to see it and wear it!
What Can History Teach Us About Fighting With Baseball Bats?
#baseballbat #hema #martialarts #fencing
And here a picture of the 'neutral' athlet Anna Smirnova 👇
#Fencing #Ukraine #Russian #handshake #AnnaSmirnova #Kharlan #Charlan
(The man in the background is her husband and - as you can see - a russian soldier)
#fencing #ukraine #russian #handshake #annasmirnova #kharlan #charlan
"A country that terrorizes our state, our people, our families, terrorizes sports too" - Olga Harlan's reaction to yesterday's disqualification.
In her opinion, the rules of sporting events need to be changed, as "the world is changing."
So the #Russian #athlete will stage a #protest about a #handshake but not about the evil #war her country is waging? Gross.
My respect for the Russian people is diminished every time something like this happens.
#boycottrussia #banrussia #IStandWithUkraine
World #Fencing Championships: Ukraine's Olga Kharlan disqualified for refusing Russian Anna Smirnov's handshake https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/fencing/66322668
#russian #athlete #protest #handshake #War #boycottrussia #banrussia #IStandWithUkraine #fencing
#BBCNews - World #Fencing Championships: #Ukraine 's Olga #Kharlan #disqualified for refusing #Russian Anna Smirnov's #handshake
#bbcnews #fencing #ukraine #kharlan #disqualified #russian #handshake
It was certainly a busy day in Fencing news today...
Via Rodger Sherman 🤖 @rodger
also, can a math person run the odds on this?
There were exactly two possible matchups between Ukrainians and Russians, and in hypothetically randomized 64-person fields, BOTH were scheduled for the first round. (One Ukrainian withdrew and the other was DQed for no handshake.)
Via Rodger Sherman 🤖 @rodger
For context the most recent president of the international fencing organization that handed out this punishment is a Russian billionaire described by the EU as “one of Putin’s favorite oligarchs”