Stop blaming yourself and others.
Learn #fengshui and blame the furniture.
Ranking of each direction by Flying Star Feng Shui @Aug. 2023
#fengshui #youtube
auch so eine Perle, die man beim Aufräumen des Email Postfachs findet: Die Antwort des Berufsverband für Feng Shui und Geomantie e.V. zu den Auswirkungen von #Balkonsolar.
#balkonsolar #fengshui #geomantie
ONLY🇮🇹 In che direzione oriento il letto? Infatti l'idea di dover dormire sempre con la testa rivolta a Nord è un po' una convenzione, indicato per alcune persone, sconsigliato per altre?
Ma come ci influenzano i vari orientamenti? Scopritelo nel video 👉
#letto #fengshui #sonno #benessere
Who can believe that your efforts will not be rewarded depending on the environment you live in!
I don't want to believe it either, that people are so heavily influenced by feng shui.
Hello people from #mastodon
Your screen is on your desk and you spend a lot of time looking at it.
Which direction in the world do you look at your screen when you work❓
I have a theory that spending a lot of time in a specific direction somehow affects the psychological state 🤪 I'm weird
I sat in three directions, now directed to the west, is it by feng shui ? ;)
#mastodon #gamedev #fengshui #workplace #work #theory #weird
🇮🇹 Come riconoscere le Forme Acqua? Scoprilo!
🇬🇧How to recognize a Water Shape? Find it!
#fengshui #architecture #living #landscapes #architettura #abitare
#fengshui #architecture #living #landscapes #architettura #abitare
🇮🇹 Energie della Settimana!
🇬🇧 Weekly Energy Forecast!
🇮🇹Oggi vi parlo di Interior Decor e studio dei colori. Il colore di oggi è: Pervinca!
🇬🇧Today I speak about Interior Decor and colours. Today colour is: Periwinkle!
#interiordecor #fengshui #colori #colors #colours #home #arredamento #cromoterapia #cromatismi #shades #hues #lovecolor #interiors
#interiordecor #fengshui #colori #colors #colours #home #arredamento #cromoterapia #cromatismi #shades #hues #lovecolor #interiors
🇮🇹 Come riconoscere delle forme Metallo secondo il Feng Shui? Vai al post!
🇬🇧 How to recognize Metal Shapes in Feng Shui? Go to post!
#fengshui #architecture #living #landscapes #architettura #abitare
#fengshui #architecture #living #landscapes #architettura #abitare
Currently I'm running a #MasksTheNewGeneration (#Masks) trade/campaign, a #Pathfinder module/campaign, and I'm working hard to get myself ready to do a #VampireTheRequiem (#VtR) chronicle. Plus I've got a #FengShui campaign in my back pocket for quick games.
It's a heck of a responsibility, but I do love being able to entertain my friends. I must be doing something right to be blessed with so many players willing to listen to my nonsense.
I love getting to share my creativity with everyone!
#masksthenewgeneration #masks #pathfinder #vampiretherequiem #vtr #fengshui
Dies ist die einzige Satire, die ich in der dritten Person geschrieben habe. Denn
ich habe tatsächlich noch nie eine Diät gemacht. Dafür aber viele, viele Diätbroschüren lektoriert.
Sabine allerdings macht die PVC-Diät und ist glücklich. Na ja, zumindest denkt sie das.
#diät #fengshui #abnehmen #satire #witzig #humor #erzählperspektive #schreiben
#diat #fengshui #abnehmen #satire #witzig #humor #erzahlperspektive #schreiben
What do you know about #fengshui ? 🤔
#Medium #mediumwriters #WritingCommunity #writing #WritingLife #writerscommunity #design #taoism
#fengshui #medium #mediumwriters #writingcommunity #writing #writinglife #writerscommunity #design #taoism
What is #fengshui and how can it change your work life? Find out from @andrewpretzel below!
#fengshui #writing #writer #medium #taoism #zen #japan
What is #fengshui and how can it change your work? Find out from @andrewpretzel!
Helemaal in balans!
Alleen niet meer na het zien van de prijs 🤣
#Fundafun #Funda #vastgoed #FengShui #balans #rust #water #wind #Driesprong #Ede
#EDE #driesprong #wind #water #rust #balans #fengshui #vastgoed #funda #FundaFun