✍️ fic by #fennelseed
👋 #TheUntamed #MoDaoZuShi #Secretary
👋 #LanWangji / #WeiWuxian
👋 21k, Explicit, canon divergent, BDSM
👋 WWX is sent to Cloud Recesses to help LWJ in the library
👋 LWJ is strict with him and he likes it a lot
👋 Wildly canon divergent: the characters and setting are the same as canon, but the plot is from the movie Secretary
NSFW #FicRec
#fennelseed #theuntamed #modaozushi #secretary #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec
Dried fennel seed... a sweet licorice flavored herb especially good on seafood and pork.
#fennel #photography #herb #fennelseed #macrophotography #seeds #squarecrop #food
#fennel #photography #herb #fennelseed #macrophotography #seeds #squarecrop #food