While the #Himalaya loses its everlasting snow forever –
-70% by 2100, and more later, see State of the #Cryosphere 2022 chapter 3: https://iccinet.org/statecryo2022/
– so while that ice goes, the earth crust in the Himalaya's rebounds = uplifts.
Any bets on whether that rebound is balanced by sinking of the Indian subcontinent?
It'd speed up #sealevelrise nicely there – and is going to cause some cool #earthquakes , too, I suppose.
Since the #Fennoscandian ice sheet vanished in the Holocene, that land mass is in uplift #rebound. But the landmass in Northern Germany balances that uplift like a seesaw by sinking. Which spells faster sea level rise from #climatechange there as @DrEvanGowan explains here: https://fediscience.org/@DrEvanGowan/110456196955949259
I assume, we'll soon see the same in the Himalaya region. Except there are billions of people and fertile lands all around #India #China #Pakistan #Bangladesh
affected by
* sea level rise due to the seesaw,
* lack of melt water and the resulting drought,
* rapidly changing weather patterns due to heated rock surfaces replacing cold snow
and by quakes.
#himalaya #cryosphere #sealevelrise #earthquakes #fennoscandian #rebound #climatechange #india #china #pakistan #bangladesh