Victory! Gavin Newsom Calls In National Guard For San Francisco Drug Dealing Crackdown
Jacqui Berlin of Mothers Against Drug Addiction and Deaths #MADAD was overjoyed. “As a mother of a son suffering on the streets of #SanFrancisco from #fentanyladdiction, I am overwhelmingly grateful that #GovernorNewsom is taking action to disrupt #fentanyltrafficking in San Francisco.
#madad #sanfrancisco #fentanyladdiction #governornewsom #fentanyltrafficking
Opioid overdose treatment Narcan recommended by FDA advisors for over-the-counter use
#HandsOffOurHealthcare #Narcan #Naloxone #NaloxoneSavesLives #NarcanSavedLives #Fentanyl #FentanylOverdose #DrugOverdose #DrugAddiction #FentanylAddiction #OpioidAddiction #OpioidOverdose
#handsoffourhealthcare #narcan #naloxone #naloxonesaveslives #narcansavedlives #fentanyl #fentanyloverdose #drugoverdose #drugaddiction #fentanyladdiction #opioidaddiction #opioidoverdose