The high cost of feral invasion
Humans have wiped thousands of species from the face of the Earth, but have also spread other animals and plants around the world to wreak havoc on natural eco-systems. #feralanimals
Now why didn't we think of tempting the blasted fox that's plaguing our existence at the moment with a fake Harvey Norman VIP night!
At 10.30pm / 12.30am, again at 2.00am and around 5.00am over night (at a minimum) when the evil bastard sets off the security cameras around the poultry yards, rather than chasing it with a bloody big stick I'm going to try pitching fake invites at it, with the fox trap set up inside the door of the address...
#feralanimals #bloodyfox #australia
“Feral species are the leading cause of extinction of native animals in Australia.” Invasive Species Council. “The choice is we have Australian native flora and fauna, or have ferals killing them all"
#InvasiveSpecies #FeralAnimals #weeds #Kosciuszko #NationalParks #Biodiversity #Habitat
#invasivespecies #feralanimals #weeds #kosciuszko #nationalparks #biodiversity #habitat
@FonDenton I was there once nearly 20 years ago. So cool to have them come over the dunes and walk along the beach, just yards from me.
P.S. How do like as your web store? Did you evaluate other services?
#NorthCarolina #Dunes #Shoreline #AtlanticCoast #FeralAnimals #Wildlife #Photography #WildHorses #LittoralZone #AtlanticCoastalPlain
#northcarolina #dunes #shoreline #atlanticcoast #feralanimals #wildlife #photography #wildhorses #littoralzone #atlanticcoastalplain