Heidi the Feral Rescue Kitten: 2 Years Later 🐾
Heidi came home with me on this day in 2021. She was a feral kitten, all alone in a New York City park.
Wishing you and your fur/feather/scaly babies health and happiness!
#cat #kitten #feral #stray #feralcat #cats #rescuecat #rescue #catlover #straycat #catdad #furbaby #cute #pet #love #pets #animal #meow #animals #catvideo
#cat #kitten #feral #stray #feralcat #cats #RescueCat #rescue #catlover #straycat #catdad #furbaby #cute #pet #love #pets #animal #meow #animals #catvideo
Kotaku: TikTok Account Makes IRL Cats Look Like Godzilla On Model Train Tracks https://kotaku.com/dioramarestaurant-tiktok-train-cats-make-your-day-osaka-1850632211 #gaming #tech #kotaku #internetculture #feralcat #tiktok #cat
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #InternetCulture #feralcat #tiktok #cat
I stuck my phone outside propped up recording video and put a small handful of cat food outside since I saw a calico earlier. Caught it on video just like I planned!
Unfortunately we have no money or car to bring it to a shelter, or I'd catch it. The word does not need more feral cats :/
We look after a #feralcat colony. #TNR is closed right now, which makes things challenging. #Today this happened:
Cinder may just be the worst mama cat ever. With her previous litter, we never did figure out which kittens were hers; we knew that Savannah had four, and there were eight all together. I looked out one day and Savannah had all eight latched on.
Anyway, just now Cinder was out at the feeding station. Little Ellie came out of the shelter crying. Cinder kept going to different dishes to avoid her. 🙁
I went out with a plastic spoon and a tube of liquid cat treats (kind of like Kitty Gogurt). I squeezed some of it into the spoon and held it for the kitten. It took Ellie a minute to get the idea, but she ate most of the tube. Her little teeth are coming in, and she's still kind of wobbly on her pins. But at least I know she got some food. The kibble is still too big for her.
Kotaku: Hogwarts Legacy Gets Animal Rescue All Wrong https://kotaku.com/hogwarts-legacy-animal-companions-deek-quest-breeding-1850208529 #gaming #tech #kotaku #magicalcreaturesinharrypotter #trape28093neutere28093return #harrypotteruniverse #animalrescuegroup #magicalcreature #poppysweeting #animalwelfare #humaninterest #harrypotter #ronweasley #literature #hogwarts #feralcat #fiction #deek #peck #lucy #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #magicalcreaturesinharrypotter #trape28093neutere28093return #harrypotteruniverse #animalrescuegroup #magicalcreature #poppysweeting #animalwelfare #humaninterest #harrypotter #ronweasley #literature #hogwarts #feralcat #fiction #deek #peck #lucy #rpg
Cat Attacks Groomer https://www.meowmoe.com/37006/
#cat #CatFleas #catgroomingathome #catnailtrim #cattv #catvideosfunny #Cats #doyoucutcatnails #doggrooming #DogHaircut #femalecat #Feralcat #getridoffleasonkittens #groomacat #groomer #GroomingDog #howoftenshouldyougroomyourdog #kitten #kittenlady #kittenladyferal #kittenladyfleas #LIVE #meancat #myfavoritegroomer #neko #noonecangroommydog #Rescuecat #rover #shave #thedodo #trimyourdogshair #メインクーン
#メインクーン #trimyourdogshair #thedodo #shave #rover #rescuecat #noonecangroommydog #neko #myfavoritegroomer #meancat #live #kittenladyfleas #kittenladyferal #KittenLady #kitten #howoftenshouldyougroomyourdog #GroomingDog #groomer #groomacat #getridoffleasonkittens #feralcat #femalecat #DogHaircut #doggrooming #doyoucutcatnails #cats #catvideosfunny #cattv #catnailtrim #catgroomingathome #CatFleas #cat
ジャパニーズボブテイルから読み解く猫の気持ち・・・ https://www.wacoca.com/pets/98877/
##ネコ #cat #Cattail #FeralCat #neko #tabbycat #tail #キジトラ #キジトラ猫 #ジャパニーズ・ボブテイル #ジャパニーズボブテイル #ねこ #のらねこ #地域猫 #尻尾 #猫 #野良猫
#野良猫 #猫 #尻尾 #地域猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #ジャパニーズボブテイル #ジャパニーズ・ボブテイル #キジトラ猫 #キジトラ #tail #tabbycat #neko #feralcat #cattail #cat #ネコ
ジャパニーズボブテイルから読み解く猫の気持ち・・・ https://www.meowmoe.com/35433/
##ネコ #cat #Cattail #Feralcat #neko #tabbycat #tail #キジトラ #キジトラ猫 #ジャパニーズ・ボブテイル #ジャパニーズボブテイル #ねこ #のらねこ #地域猫 #尻尾 #猫 #野良猫
#野良猫 #猫 #尻尾 #地域猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #ジャパニーズボブテイル #ジャパニーズ #キジトラ猫 #キジトラ #tail #tabbycat #neko #feralcat #cattail #cat #ネコ
Leroy, after stuffing himself on wet food.
#BadBadLeroyBrown #Cat #FeralCat
#feralcat #cat #badbadleroybrown
@monali, and in 10 years or so he may look like this. This is Dwight The White (aka Dwighty). He is the last one of the 13 or so cats the nice lady who we bought the place from had been feeding. He was already an adult then. Nearly blind and deaf, now, we always worry when he’s not in his hooch on the porch.
#PorchKitty #FeralCat #Cat #Caturday #Catsodon
#catsodon #Caturday #cat #feralcat #porchkitty
As you can tell by what’s left of his ears, we are yet to successfully catch and de-ball him.
#FeralCat #PleaseSpayOrNeuter