haha, thank you! I do take that as a huge compliment, seeing as I was a big #SarahRecords fan back in the day.
And, obviously, I ripped off #EvenAsWeSpeak's #FeralPopFrenzy loads.
Best Sarah album EVER.
But I was more than happy being being #ParasolRecords who were/are great. There were sooo many great US jangly indie bands that I loved back then, like the whole Chastain/Menck clade. ☺️
#parasolrecords #feralpopfrenzy #evenaswespeak #sarahrecords
I’m very happy to make #Pitchfork ’s top Indie Pop Albums of the ‘90s lisT
I really do wish they’d put in #EvenAsWeSpeak ’s magnificent #FeralPopFrenzy in as well, though. SUCH a record.
#pitchfork #evenaswespeak #feralpopfrenzy