Hey all! I am a self described #feralresearch -er (see bio for link), #artist, #designer, recovering #academic and internet old person.
I write, teach, lecture about and build things (software mostly, hardware sometimes) that overlap technology and culture, #digitalscenography and #narrative and #performance. I am currently senior systems #designer for #vrchat. I am occasionally (and professionally) a fox on the internet (#queer subcultures will save what’s left of us)
Most recently I am working on #maps and #mapping software for #dh and beyond, a locative #ar project about the history of #MTV, and #digitalphotography and image-making, especially in VR.
Interested in: #videogames #deadtech #zines #queer #subcultures, #furry, #lowfi #lowtech #interactivefiction #locative #media #ar #vr #mr #music #sound and #food
#food #sound #music #mr #vr #media #locative #interactivefiction #lowtech #lowfi #furry #subcultures #zines #deadtech #videogames #digitalphotography #mtv #ar #dh #mapping #maps #queer #vrchat #performance #narrative #digitalscenography #academic #designer #artist #feralresearch