....we have an amazing shirt for sale that was designed and illustrated by Loki Gwynbleidd, an amazing artist of vintage anarchist propaganda over on IG.
They were awesome enough to draw this up for us exclusively for benefiting the radical projects on the Harbor, such as Blackflower Collective.
Check them out at https://lokivintagepropaganda.com/en/
Thank you loki for your generosity, solidarity, and support!
#Art #HousingIsAHumanRight #TShirt #FeralThreads #SabotMedia
#Art #housingisahumanright #tshirt #feralthreads #sabotmedia
One of our all time favorite authors. Ursula K Le Guin.
Adding new products all the time:
We are always busy working on new things here at Sabot Media. The newest project is Feral Threads, our merchandise shop.
We are starting our shop with a selection of shirts made from previous original content we've made.
You can find a link on our website or go straight to feralthreads.square.site
#caturday #sabotmedia #feralthreads