So then: Let's see whether #ferdium behaves better than @Vivaldi in terms of resource-management..
Until now I used Vivaldi for all my social stuff and Chats (instead of Rambox or Franz due to reasons). But perhaps Ferdium behaves better than RamBox and also allows me to open links in my main browser 😁
@Dios_Campechano @BichoMorado @equipo Yo uso #megalodon en android, y en pc uso #ferdium (que usa la web, sin más) y ya te digo. Siempre fuí capaz de ponerle texto alternativo.
Tambien te digo que siempre me ha dado pereza.
Alguém mais usa #Ferdium aqui? por algum motivo não consigo conectar no servidor...
Someone else uses Ferdium here? Can't connect to the server
This is a game-changer in my life !
I finally managed to have all my #mattermost, #slack, #Mastodon / #Astrodon, #Twitter, #LinkedIn, #Whatsapp, and many more accounts on just ONE app: #Ferdium (works on #Windows, #Mac, & #Linux).
It's there:
Thank you so much for the tip @tfenouillet !!
Now I wished it is also available on iOS 😅
#mattermost #slack #mastodon #Astrodon #twitter #linkedin #whatsapp #ferdium #windows #mac #linux
@blueforce @admin @makram95 Ob das in #Ferdium schon drin ist? Ich benutze kein Threema, aber Ferdium kann sehr viel.
@jynersolives I've tried them all, but keep going back to the web app. But I'm using that inside #ferdium ( because there are other webapps I need and this way they are the same across devices (win/mac/linux).
@szlatanos @antoniofatas jap, I use #ferdium for Whatsapp, Twitter, Teams -- but #Slack doesnt work and neither does #Mastodon unfortunately.
@szlatanos @antoniofatas yes I am a big fan of #ferdium but have you found a good way to integrate #mastodon in there?