Tipy na 2 bombarďáky:
✅ Židovský právník Benjamin #Ferencz zemřel letos v dubnu. Během 103 let toho stihl hodně: ač chudý, vystudoval Harvard; za 2. světové bojoval v Evropě; byl žalobcem s Einsatzgruppen, vychoval 4 děti... Jeho životní postřehy doporučuji v útlé knížce "Nikdy se nevzdávej!“.
✅ Orestes Lorenzo Perez: vojenský pilot utekl z Kuby do USA s MiG-23. Později s Cessnou vyzvedl rodinu. Článek zde 👉 https://vtm.zive.cz/clanky/pribeh-o-chlapikovi-ktery-vzal-mig-23-a-utekl-komunistum-pak-se-v-male-cessne-vratil-pro-rodinu/sc-870-a-223354/default.aspx
✌️ "Make law, not war."
das portrait von Klaus #Hillenbrand
Der Jurist Benjamin #Ferencz sagte Kriegsverbrechern den Kampf an
Ben Ferencz, tireless advocate for justice, has died last week at the age of 103.
He has left us a legacy:
„Never give up, never give up, never give up.“
Ferencz fought for justice his entire life, saying “to let the world continue to use [war] as an instrument of persuasion is so stupid and so incredible, that I simply can’t stop doing it at the age of 103.”
»Eine besonders eindrucksvolle Verkörperung des Weltgewissens« wie #ClausKreß im #DLF heute treffend konstatierte.
#Ferencz #BenjaminFerencz #IStGH #Völkerrecht #makelawnotwar
#makelawnotwar #Volkerrecht #IStGH #benjaminferencz #ferencz #dlf #ClausKreß
RT @tagesschau
Chefankläger der Nürnberger Prozesse gestorben http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/benjamin-ferencz-109.html #Ferencz #NürnbergerProzesse
This is such a sad news. I read his « Parting Words: 9 Lessons for a Remarkable Life » and was very much impressed. A great personality passed away.
R.I.P. Benjamin #Ferencz 🙏.
#Nuremberg #prosecutor #ruleoflaw
Ben Ferencz, last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor, dies at 103 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ben-ferencz-last-surviving-nuremberg-prosecutor-dies-103-2023-04-08/
#ruleoflaw #Prosecutor #nuremberg #ferencz
RT @nexta_tv
Benjamin #Ferencz, the last prosecutor of the #Nuremberg Trials and one of the founders of the International Criminal Court, has died.
In March 2022, in an interview, he stated that "the crimes that #Russia is currently committing against #Ukraine are a shame for human society,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1644931257086750720
#ferencz #nuremberg #russia #ukraine
RT @BR24
Der letzte noch lebende Ankläger der Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecher-Prozesse, Benjamin #Ferencz, ist tot. Der Jurist starb im Alter von 103 Jahren in Florida. Ferencz gilt auch als einer der Geburtshelfer des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs.
Benjamin #Ferencz, the last prosecutor of the #Nuremberg Trials and one of the founders of the International Criminal Court, has died.
In March 2022, in an interview, he stated that "the crimes that #Russia is currently committing against #Ukraine are a shame for human society,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1644931257086750720 https://canada.unofficialbird.com/nexta_tv/status/1644931257086750720#m
#ferencz #nuremberg #Russia #Ukraine