Poet/painter/activist/founder of #CityLightBooks Lawrence #Ferlinghetti was born OTD in 1919. I saw his last reading at City Lights in 2015, expecting him to be frail and unsteady. Instead, he totally kicked ass and the place was packed. [📸 Frank J. Lanza]
For #Fensterfreitag (#WindowFriday), Here I am in front of the #windows of Lawrence #Ferlinghetti's immortal #CityLightsBookstore in #SanFrancisco, 2014. The windows reflect the neighborhood of North Beach, historic haunt of the #Beat #Poets.
#fensterfreitag #windowfriday #windows #ferlinghetti #citylightsbookstore #sanfrancisco #beat #poets
Posting for no particular reason, other than I love it 😊
Constantly Risking Absurdity
By Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Do read the full poem here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52319/constantly-risking-absurdity-15 It's well worth a click.
#poetry #poem #Ferlinghetti
Poiuyt – Lettere Contrarie / marzo ’21 https://radiowombat.net/poiuyt-lettere-contrarie-marzo-21/ #letteraturasociale #ferlinghetti #letteratura #battaglia #ensemble #matariki #diacono #Poiuyt #poesia #maori #sarti #olmi
#olmi #sarti #maori #poesia #Poiuyt #diacono #matariki #ensemble #battaglia #letteratura #ferlinghetti #letteraturasociale