Dag · @dagb
116 followers · 999 posts · Server snabelen.no

er en viktig forutsetning for at skal fungere. Slurv kan gjøre at s metode for å finne primtall som ligger nære hverandre kan brukes til å knekke krypteringsnøkler digi.no/artikler/379-ar-gammel

#entropi #kryptografi #fermat #sikkerhet

Last updated 1 year ago

If used he'd have said:

x^n + y^n = z^n has no integer solutions for n > 2.

I have a truly remarkable proof of this statement, but 500 char limit of mastodon is too short to contain it.

#fermat #mastodon #fermatlasttheorem #math

Last updated 1 year ago

If used he'd have said:

x^n + y^n = z^n has no integer solutions for n > 2.

I have a truly remarkable proof of this statement, but 500 char limit of mastodon is too short to contain it.

#fermat #mastodon #fermatlasttheorem #math

Last updated 1 year ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
223 followers · 1332 posts · Server mstdn.social

British Andrew Wiles proved last of (1993).

Birth Anniversary of Jean-Paul Sartre (1905) - one of the leading figures in 20th-century French philosophy and Marxism.

Today is World , International Day of and World Day.


#hydrography #yoga #musicday #philosopher #french #fermat #theorem #mathematician #onthisday

Last updated 1 year ago

The Animal and the Machine · @taatm
23 followers · 841 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Sorry for the delay @AndriusKulikauskas on the Peace in Ukraine podcast. I’ve been temporarily obsessed with ’s last theorem while teaching myself Python but I feel like I’ve solved that now. So on with the show!

c^n = sin(θ)a^n + sin(θ)b^n

# Python
# @taatm
, and TAATM
# Things we know
# Relationship of sides in a right angle triangle
# c**2 = a**2 + b**2
# This triangle is true but only one value of n prduces a right angle
# c**n = a**n + b**n
# The area of a triangle
# 1/2bc sin(A)
# where sides b & c are the same you can write bb or b**2
# so the area of triangle is 1/2b**2 sin(A)
# as the two sides of the triangle are the same, we can make square by adding anthoer one on top AKA doubling it
# the area of a square is therefore
# b**2sin(A)
# applying this to both sides of Pythagorus we therefore get the relationship
# n n n
# c = sin(θ)a + sin(θ)b
# And so I think Fermat, if knowing this, would conclude that Pythagous to the n can't work as thats not the relationship. Its a trick where the right angle provides a multiplier of 1.

import math

# Variables

# Pythagorus gives us c and allows a ratio

# the ratio can be used to find theta
known_ratio = c**n/(a**n+b**n)

theta = math.asin(known_ratio-1)
# The -1 is just to make the maths easier with arc sine and will be put back later, the true angle is function of pi

# Handy Derivatives
a2b2 = a**2+b**2
anbn = a**n+b**n
cn = c**n

print (a, b, c)
print (anbn, cn)
print (known_ratio, known_ratio * (a**n + b**n))
print (math.sin(theta) + 1, (math.sin(theta) + 1) * (anbn))
# The 1 that was taken out is added back in.
# The fun part will be finding theta from pi.

#pythagorus #fermat

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1465 followers · 4310 posts · Server mastodon.scot
Alex vd Brandhof · @alexvdbrandhof
85 followers · 86 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Vandaag is de 70ste verjaardag van Andrew Wiles. In 2016 won hij de Abelprijs voor zijn bewijs van de laatste stelling van Fermat. Hij was toen de jongste Abelprijswinnaar ooit.

#fermat #abelprize #andrewwiles

Last updated 2 years ago

Ele Willoughby, PhD · @minouette
798 followers · 916 posts · Server spore.social

Happy birthday to French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Marie-Sophie Germain (1776 – 1831), known as Sophie. She taught herself mathematics using books in her father's library and by corresponding with leading mathematicians of her day, including Lagrange, Legendre and Gauss, …

#linocut #printmaking #sciart #mathart #sophiegermain #chladnifigures #mathematician #fermat #womeninstem #physicist #elasticity #gauss #histstm #printmaker #reliefprint #womenshistorymonth

Last updated 2 years ago

The Animal and the Machine · @taatm
16 followers · 633 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

has a point. The trick uses a right angle triangle, a square relationship so the formula is basically taking a shortcut, the trick, therefore can only work squared.

The relationship (in rads) appears to be

a^sin(π/(2(n-1)) = b^n + c^n

or there about.

#math #Pythagoras #fermat

Last updated 2 years ago

The Animal and the Machine · @taatm
16 followers · 631 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

@AndriusKulikauskas Another question please.

We know a^2 +b^2=c^2 because it draws out a triangle. Why do people expect ^3 to work? It seems like it’s human pattern recognition being applied to the words rather than the shape.

Going up a power is going up a dimension so it needs to draw out a volume, so the formula is
aaa = abb = acc
a^3 = ab^2 + ac^2

Up a dimension again is
aaaa = aabb + aacc
aaaaa = aaabb + aaacc

So the formula is
a^x.a^2 = a^x.b^2 + a^x.c^2

Increasing all the powers is just breaking the laws of physics.


#fermat #Pythagoras #maths

Last updated 2 years ago

tomsharp · @tomsharp
46 followers · 87 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

In 1662, Pierre de Fermat claimed rays of light from an object travel through multiple paths to the focus point of a lens in the same time. (sharpgiving.com/thebookofscien)

#poetry #science #history #optics #fermat

Last updated 2 years ago

tomsharp · @tomsharp
42 followers · 80 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

In 1654, letters between Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat established the basis of probability theory. (sharpgiving.com/thebookofscien)

#poetry #science #history #mathematics #probabilitytheory #pascal #fermat

Last updated 2 years ago

Paolo Caressa · @paolo_caressa
65 followers · 289 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

Sul numero 50(!) di in tutte le edicole questo mese andhe un mio pezzo su diletto e vanità nella barocca, prendendo a esempio Pierre de prismamagazine.it/prodotto/num

#fermat #matematica #prisma

Last updated 2 years ago

tomsharp · @tomsharp
27 followers · 48 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

1662: Pierre de Fermat claimed rays of light from an object travel through multiple paths to the focus point of a lens in the same time. (sharpgiving.com/thebookofscien)

#poetry #science #history #optics #fermat

Last updated 2 years ago

Marquis de Geek · @marquisdegeek
138 followers · 100 posts · Server ohai.social

It is possible to develop bug-free software using the "piped" development model. I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition, which this career is too small to contain.

#fermat #variation #iactuallydohaveatheory

Last updated 2 years ago

GrooveMD · @groovemd
46 followers · 747 posts · Server retro.pizza

@deankarrier Noooooooooooooooo I really won't, OP.

I have reasons. .


For reasons too small to contain in this elaborately and character limit with for all of this and how much could have saved all of us Humans and other Math Users if only he knew a little .

We could be around the by now .

#marbelous #reasons #spacious #bountiful #room #time #fermat #user #interface #design #principles #tripping #solarsystem #intheflesh

Last updated 2 years ago

Galuel · @galuel
118 followers · 805 posts · Server mastodon.glibre.org

Ouahhh, la vidéo la plus satisfaisante que j'aie visionnée depuis un bail ! youtube.com/watch?v=EcPPjZVB2v

#gödel #wiles #fermat

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @marianotomatis@twitter.com

di domenica scorsa dedica un'intera pagina alla presunta dimostrazione dell'ultimo teorema di : è fuffa totale, ma l'autorə ha pagato per pubblicare dunque tutto bene, madama la marchesa (I.P. in alto a destra sta per Informazione Pubblicitaria) >

🐦🔗: twitter.com/marianotomatis/sta

#fermat #libero

Last updated 4 years ago