Grabby Aliens?! Unusual Explanation to Fermi Paradox and Why We Don't Hear Anyone - YouTube
Fermi Paradox: Where are the aliens? by Elizabeth Howell
Super-intelligent aliens are going to destroy humanity? Whatever - The Guardian
Good reminders per the alien response watch party I mentioned earlier today.
@bookstodon @religion #bookstodon #AmWritingScienceFiction #SecretSciFiNetwork #JasonWilliamKarpf #ChristianSciFiNightWithProfessorK #FirstContact #Aliens #FermiParadox
#bookstodon #amwritingsciencefiction #secretscifinetwork #jasonwilliamkarpf #christianscifinightwithprofessork #firstcontact #aliens #fermiparadox
I personally have been thinking about the Great Filter so much recently.
5 Unsettling Solutions to the #FermiParadox
📆 1950 the question "Where is everybody ?" occurred to #Fermi at lunch 🍽️ one day.
• The #MilkyWay 🌌 contains hundreds of billions of stars 🎇, and billions of them are similar to the #sun ☀️.
• It is highly likely that some of these stars will have planets 🪐 that are similar to #Earth 🌏.
• If we assume – via the #Copernican principle – that Earth is not particularly special, then #intelligent life should also exist on some fraction of these Earth-like #planets.
• Some of these intelligent life-forms might develop advanced technology, and even #InterstellarTravel.
• #Interstellar travel would take a long time, but as there are many sun-like #stars that are billions of years older, there has been plenty of time ⌛ for such #travel to have occurred.
• Given all this, why haven’t we met or seen 🔭 any trace of #aliens 👽 ?
Picture :
#fermi #milkyway #sun #earth #copernican #intelligent #planets #interstellartravel #interstellar #stars #Travel #aliens #fermiparadox
Indeed. But as time goes on that is less and less likely. We're steadily making progress in proving that aliens aren't anywhere near us, building up evidence that confirms the #RareEarthHypothesis and solving the #FermiParadox .
And Cixin Liu's #ThreeBodyProblem and #DarkForest #books and #hypothesis speculate that if interstellar aliens exist and they detect us they would immediately sterilize our solar system to prevent us developing AGI that might compete with theirs.
#hypothesis #Books #DarkForest #threebodyproblem #fermiparadox #rareearthhypothesis
Here is the JoshWho TV version of my new video where I respond to Styxhexenhammer666 getting triggered by Elon Musk suggesting that aliens don't exist. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#styx #ElonMusk #Aliens #fermiparadox #apologetics
Here is the Rumble version of my new video where I respond to Styxhexenhammer666 getting triggered by Elon Musk suggesting that aliens don't exist. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#styx #elonmusk #aliens #fermiparadox #apologetics
#styx #ElonMusk #Aliens #fermiparadox #apologetics
Here is the BitChute version of my new video where I respond to Styxhexenhammer666 getting triggered by Elon Musk suggesting that aliens don't exist. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#styx #ElonMusk #Aliens #fermiparadox #apologetics
Here is the YouTube version of my new video where I respond to Styxhexenhammer666 getting triggered by Elon Musk suggesting that aliens don't exist. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe, like, comment, and share!
#styx #ElonMusk #Aliens #fermiparadox #apologetics
@dibi58 @celset2 @alisca The (obvious) solution to the #fermiparadox: They saw us. Long ago. And those others, yes they found us, too. And the ones from over there... and those others...
But now that they've seen us, they are hiding, they're ghosting us.
#BruceMurray - Why Aren't #Aliens Already Here?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfAstronomy #PhilosophyOfBiology #Life #AlienLife #Civilisation #AlienCivilisation #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Evolution #Exobiology #Biology #Fermi #EnricoFermi #FermiParadox #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#fermiparadox #enricofermi #fermi #RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #biology #exobiology #evolution #astrophysics #astronomy #aliencivilisation #civilisation #alienlife #life #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofastronomy #philosophyofscience #philosophy #aliens #brucemurray
#JillTarter & #VakochTarter - Where Are All Those #Aliens?
#FermiParadox #EnricoFermi #Astronomy #Astrophysics #SETI #Life #Extraterrestrials #ExtraterrestrialLife #Alien #AlienLife #Space #SpaceTravel #Colonisation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #colonisation #spacetravel #space #alienlife #alien #extraterrestriallife #extraterrestrials #life #seti #astrophysics #astronomy #enricofermi #fermiparadox #aliens #vakochtarter #jilltarter
@nedhamson …despoiling a huge biologically diverse region, releasing huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere for $$$. I’ve been saying this for a while, just put a fork in us, we are close to being done. 😪
I have solved the Fermi paradox. I don't know if your ready for this but here it is.
@TJ800X 1. #Oceangate- depends, but it looks like corners were cut, so no. 2. #MtEverst-maybe 3.#billionaires Better question, should there be billionaires? No. Shape society- No, a complete crapshoot on the outcome. The problem is people, we are flawed, seriously flawed. Look at the #FermiParadox and #TheGreatFilter and then ponder our possible/probable future. It will be difficult to breach the great filter, but 🤞not impossible, and not without serious casualties.
#oceangate #MtEverst #billionaires #fermiparadox #TheGreatFilter
@daniel aliens be like: woke up to humans in a prison of their own making #fermiparadox
So…looks like a #UFO crashed with some occupants and there’s a coverup. Same story we’ve heard a million times but with some credible sources?
I’m a believer in the Fermi paradox, so, maybe they’re here? 🤷🏻♂️
More on the event:
More on the Fermi paradox:
#aliens #ufosighting #fermiparadox #ufo