I found this little fern in Planten un Blomen, Hamburg. I'm not sure if it's Asplenium bulbiferum or A. daucifolium. Both ferns look very similar.
#fernfriday #ferns #ferniverse
#FernFriday #ferns #ferniverse
#ferniverse #ferns
A picture of a bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) near my home in Wetter, Germany.
A fernery set up inside a greenhouse, in the Government Botanical Garden of #Ooty, India. #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday #Ferniverse #MastIndia @mastodonindians
#ooty #Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #ferniverse #mastindia
I grew up with art, but life was often difficult at home, so I often escaped to the woods behind my house at the Ice Glen, a ravine in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
This incredible, largely old-growth landscape is where I discovered my love of native plants, particularly woodland plants. Here is a colony of Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Fern) atop a boulder. I have planted dozens of these on my property outside NYC. #ferniverse #ferns #woodland
Adiantum pedatum, Maidenhair fern in my New Jersey garden, May 22, 2022. #nativeplants #njnativeplants #ferniverse #ferns
#nativeplants #njnativeplants #ferniverse #ferns
Nesta altura do ano, a hashtag #ferniverse é a que devem seguir. Tanta coisa fantástica que se aprende!
🐝 🌼
For #Ferniverse
The furled frond of a Tree Fern. The dinosaur of ferns.
#backyard #ferniverse #fern #tree #nature #australia
🐝 🌼 #BackYard
For #Ferniverse
This is baby bracken coming up after a flood.
Hart's-tongue fern, #Furfooz nature reserve
#ferniverse #belgium #Ardennes
#ardennes #belgium #ferniverse #Furfooz
#ferniverse #ferns #BidstonHill #wirral
Preparing the #Constant studysession Down Dwars Delà in BOARC with lovely walks on the hill!
#constant #wirral #BidstonHill #ferns #ferniverse