Meet #ferretdb. It’s like MongoDB but with a pluggable backend (PostgreSQL, primarily, but not exclusively) and it’s truly #OpenSource. Nice :)
#FerretDB 1.0 has been announced
Ferret is a proxy that sits between your #mongodb drivers & a #postgres db converting mongo queries into postgres SQL and using PG for the persistence.
I am finding myself at a complete loss as to any practical reason why someone would want to use this. The ONLY case i can make for it is that it satisfies people who are zealous about open source licenses and aren't happy with Mongo's.
What am i missing?
RT @ferret_db
It's here! #FerretDB 1.0, the truly #opensource #MongoDB alternative is now GA.
FerretDB adds MongoDB compatibility to #PostgreSQL. Released under Apache 2.0.
We would like to thank the OSS community and everyone who helped us along the way.
Read more:
#ferretdb #opensource #MongoDB #postgresql
RT @ferret_db
It's here! #FerretDB 1.0, the truly #opensource #MongoDB alternative is now GA.
FerretDB adds MongoDB compatibility to #PostgreSQL. Released under Apache 2.0.
We would like to thank the OSS community and everyone who helped us along the way.
Read more:
#ferretdb #opensource #mongodb #postgresql
As @a says I don't think it is a "should" but a nice "could" to consider.
Need to consider how well it fits your use case. @yarmo maintains a great delightful list:
Wrt Mongo with its SSPL license.. may wanna consider its #FOSS alternative #FerretDB.
For some use cases using a Graph DB might be interesting. I was once very enchanted about (they have changed much since, an idk where they sit now).
Hm, so there exists #FerretDB which talks #MongoDB wire protocol, but uses #PostgreSQL as a backend. I wonder if it would work for #Nightscout 🤔
#WeAreNotWaiting #Diabetes @wearenotwaiting @diabetes
#ferretdb #mongodb #postgresql #nightscout #wearenotwaiting #diabetes
Event report: #FerretDB at #Percona University in Istanbul
#opensource #databases #postgresql #MongoDB
#ferretdb #percona #opensource #databases #postgresql #mongodb
Event report: #FerretDB at #Percona University in Istanbul
#opensource #databases #postgresql #MongoDB
#ferretdb #percona #opensource #databases #postgresql #mongodb