Starting August 10, the SF Bay Ferry's boarding and ticketing processes will be different. Check out these changes now so you're prepared when it's time to board.
#alameda #clipper #FerryTickets #PublicTransit #SanFranciscoBayFerry
#alameda #clipper #ferrytickets #publictransit #sanfranciscobayferry
Party like it's 1989 to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the historic Ferry Building in downtown San Francisco! On June 13, youth ride the ferry for free, and the Ferry Building hosts activities and giveaways.
#weta #alameda #FerryTickets #SanFranciscoBayFerry #AVeryFerryBirthdayParty #FerryBuildingMarketplace
#weta #alameda #ferrytickets #sanfranciscobayferry #averyferrybirthdayparty #ferrybuildingmarketplace
The San Francisco Bay Ferry announced upcoming changes to the ferry schedule, none of which will affect peak commuting hours.
#ferry #alameda #ferrytickets #sanfranciscobayferry
The proposed program would lock in the SF Bay Ferry fare cuts established by the Pandemic Recovery Program for the next five years and establish small 3% annual increases on fares for regular service.
#weta #alameda #ferrytickets #sanfranciscobayferry