Nervensäge 💐 · @Irisfreundin
82 followers · 620 posts · Server


- Schwefeldünger: meist wasserlösliche Verbindungen, die beim nächsten Regen ausgewaschen sind.

- Elementarer Schwefel (Schwefelblüte): Wasserunlöslicher Stoff, muss von Schwefelbakterien den Pflanzen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Schwefelbakterien sind überall im gesunden Boden. Sie produzieren aber immer nur so viel pflanzenverfügbare Verbindungen, wie die Pflanzen brauchen.

#schwefel #fertilizer #dunger #gardening #garten

Last updated 1 year ago

Nervensäge 💐 · @Irisfreundin
82 followers · 620 posts · Server

In keinem meiner Gartenbücher steht etwas über Düngung mit Schwefel. Dabei ist Schwefel ein notwendiges Element zum Eiweißaufbau. Ohne Schwefel kein Leben!

Bis vor 20-30 Jahren war so viel Schwefel aus Abgasen in der Luft, dass man ihn nicht düngen musste. Das ist jetzt anders.

--> 2

#schwefel #fertilizer #dunger #gardening #garten

Last updated 1 year ago

· @NaturalNews
6228 followers · 31996 posts · Server
Roy Grubb · @roygrubb
74 followers · 577 posts · Server
Bartosz Bartkowski · @bartoszbartk
314 followers · 297 posts · Server

Interesting and highly relevant paper with one rather counterintuitive result: a reduction of mineral nitrogen use by 50% have been found to *reduce* organic nitrogen use (though part of the effect is a model artefact).


Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1303 followers · 16920 posts · Server

2022: bans use of sewage sludge on to reduce risk of poisoning

Sludge used as crop has , , and , forcing to quit

by Tom Perkins, Thu 12 May 2022 11.00 EDT

"Maine last month became the first state to ban the practice of spreading PFAS-contaminated sewage sludge as fertilizer.

"But it’s largely on its own in the US, despite a recent report estimating about 20m acres of cropland across the country may be contaminated.

"Most states are only beginning to look at the problem and some are increasing the amount of sludge they spread on farm fields despite the substance being universally contaminated with PFAS and destroying livelihoods in Maine.

"'Maine is at the forefront of this because we’ve seen first-hand the damage that sludge causes to farms,' said Patrick MacRoy, deputy director of the non-profit Defend Our Health Maine. The new law also prohibits sludge from being composted with other organic material.

"PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of chemicals used across dozens of industries to make products resistant to water, stains and heat. Though the compounds are highly effective, they are also linked to , , , decreased , problems and a range of other serious diseases.

"Sewage sludge is a semi-solid mix of human excrement and industrial that water treatment plants pull from the nation’s sewer system. It’s expensive to dispose of, and about 60% of it is now lightly treated and sold or given away as 'biosolid' fertilizer because it is high in plant nutrients.

"Maine and are the only two states that are routinely checking sludge and farms for PFAS, and both are finding contamination on farms to be widespread.

"Maine’s legislature banned the practice of spreading sludge as fertilizer in April [2022] after environmental officials discovered astronomical levels of PFAS in water, crops, cattle and soil on farms where sludge had been spread, and high PFAS levels have been detected in farmers’ blood.

" from PFAS-tainted sludge has already poisoned well water on around a dozen farms, and has forced several Maine farms to shutter. The state is investigating about 700 more fields where PFAS-contaminated sludge was spread in recent years. Farmers have told the Guardian that many of their peers with contaminated land won’t alert the state because they fear financial ruin.

"Maine also approved the creation of a $60m fund that will be used to help farmers cover medical monitoring, for buyouts and for other forms of financial assistance.

"'Folks have been left out to dry without any real help so we’re grateful to see that,' MacRoy said. The sludge legislation comes after Maine last year enacted the nation’s first ban on non-essential uses of PFAS in products. It goes into effect in 2030.

"In Michigan, environmental officials have downplayed the detection of PFAS in sludge and on farms, and although the state prohibits highly contaminated sludge from being spread, it allows higher levels of the chemicals in sludge than Maine. State regulators have also identified PFAS polluters and required them to stop discharging the chemicals into the sewers.

"Questions remain about whether that’s enough to keep PFAS out of Michigan’s food supply. Instead of implementing a wide-scale program to test livestock, crops and dairy, the state identified 13 farms it considered most at risk and has claimed contamination on other farms isn’t a risk.

"Michigan is ahead of most other states. In , environmental regulators are considering permitting an additional 6,000 acres worth of sludge to be spread and have so far resisted public health advocates’ calls to test for PFAS and reject new sludge permits.

"In , the state’s department of environmental management said in 2019 that 'the best use of biosolids is as a [fertilizer].'

"Even as the crisis unfolds in Maine, officials in Alabama are increasing the amount of out-of-state sludge that’s imported and spread on fields or landfilled, and the state in 2020 updated its biosolids rule to 'encourage' the use of as fertilizer. Alabama does not test sludge for PFAS."

#maine #farms #pfas #fertilizer #contaminated #soil #water #crops #cattle #farmers #cancer #KidneyDisease #BirthDefects #immunity #liver #waste #michigan #contamination #virginia #alabama #biosolids #epa #epafail #informedconsent #pfos #waterislife #toxicwaste #foodproduction

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1303 followers · 16920 posts · Server

Deceived About Safety

April 2, 2010

"On March 27th [2010] Citizens for Sludge-Free Land sent a letter to the Department of Environmental Quality and US Region 3 that information provided to Virginia landowners about using sewage sludges as is deceptive. Land application permits are being granted in several Virginia counties without informing farmers of the serious risks associated with this practice. The VA code specifies, that to be valid, these permits can only be granted with the of the landowner.

"The Federal Act defines sewage sludge as a . Most of the pollutants that sewage treatment plants remove from wastewater concentrate in the resulting sludge. Exempt from and solid waste laws, sludge is being spread on land, despite mounting scientific evidence and field reports that using this contaminated waste as a cheap fertilizer is neither safe, beneficial, nor sustainable.

"The Virginia Cooperative Extension Service as well as Nutri-Blend Inc., the company that needs permits to spread sludge, are failing to provide landowners with the necessary facts, so they can make an informed decision whether or not to treat their land with sludge. The widely distributed Extension Service biosolids fact sheets-- although deceptively dated May 9, 2009-- provide out-dated, inaccurate, incomplete, and in some cases, misleading information. They overstate the alleged benefits and totally ignore the known risks and recent documented evidence of adverse health and impacts linked to sludge use. The fact sheets and brochures give the illusion that land applying sewage sludge, a complex and variable mixture of and thousands of industrial , many of which are and persistent, is a safe and normal agricultural practice.

"The information provided to landowners deceptively downplays the health risks of exposure to odors, odorant compounds, endotoxins, bacteria-laden dusts, and toxic gases at land application sites that can cause severe and permanent damage. Nor are farmers told that typical sludges generated in industrialized urban areas contain not only pathogens, but also , , , , flame retardants [], and hormone disrupting chemicals that can damage developing organisms in parts per trillion. Many of these pollutants do not break down once they are applied to land. Worse, partial breakdown products are often more toxic than the parent material. Yet federal regulations require testing and standards for only nine toxic metals. Perhaps most important, the information provided to farmers fails to disclose that the National Academies of Science has indicated that while there are serious health concerns associated with many of the constituents of sewage sludge, there is too much uncertainty to scientifically predict the true health and environmental risks, when this complex waste mixture is applied to land.

"Finally, farmers are not told that sludge-exposure has been linked to illnesses, human deaths, livestock mortalities, groundwater pollution, and permanently degraded land. Unless there is a true and accurate disclosure of all the risks associated with this practice, there can be no true consent.

"Without informed consent, the state should not be issuing permits."

Link to archived web page (TY @internetarchive!):

#farmers #sewage #sludge #virginia #epa #fertilizer #informedconsent #cleanwater #pollutant #hazardous #agricultural #environmental #humanwaste #chemicals #toxic #lung #pcbs #dioxins #carcinogens #pharmaceuticals #pfas #pfos #chemicalindustries #toxicwaste #waterislife #foreverchemicals

Last updated 1 year ago

Moves A Step Closer To Building
Nothing is quite like the healthy green glow of the open .
, and it’s a a byproduct of production, for every one ton of refined, five tons of phosphogypsum is produced. Florida produces a lot of this waste material and is currently storing over a billion tons of it. Fertilizer manufacturers are tired of this stuff laying around, taking up room and not making them money.

#florida #radioactive #roads #road #phosphogypsum #fertilizer #phosphate

Last updated 1 year ago

osz 🇺🇦 · @osz
122 followers · 307 posts · Server

I've never asked myself what happens to all the stray dogs, cats and pigs when war starts. Thanks to on Telegram now I know not all ruSSians end als in . Some of them also end as kitty food made in . They eat the soft parts first. If you google for it be warned: many bloated rushists there, . And to be honest: If you would invade my country, destroy my home, rape children and women, plunder, kill, torture and destroy: I would eat you too.

#bigsac #fertilizer #ukraine #russia #nsfl #nsfw

Last updated 1 year ago

Tom Hunt · @tomhunt
181 followers · 434 posts · Server

Hopefully many more farmers can be convinced that there's a better way to handle than to spray it in the air. Injecting it into the soil is less expensive and more effective (and less oppressive to those of us in the habit of breathing).

#manure #fertilizer #farming

Last updated 1 year ago

Alan Kotok · @technewslit
970 followers · 482 posts · Server

Bio-Friendly Plant Nutrient Delivery Patent Awarded

A process for delivering nutrients for crop growth that its developers say is more sustainable than most fertilizer methods today received a U.S. patent.

#News #press #science #business #agriculture #sustainable #circulareconomy #chemistry #canada #fertilizer #intellectualproperty #patent #USPTO #inventors #soil #microbes #microPlastics

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
120 followers · 1633 posts · Server

A report in Nature concluded that we have already exceeded seven of eight “ and ” that it studied—from supplies and to
“We are moving in the wrong direction on basically all of these,” Johan Rockström, the paper’s lead author and the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, told reporters.

#safe #just #earth #systemboundaries #groundwater #fertilizer #overuse #temperature #keepitintheground #keelingcurve #sufficiency #sharing #parisaligned

Last updated 1 year ago

Victor · @Victor
40 followers · 377 posts · Server

My leaves look kinda pale and yellow. I worry that I over water them, or maybe the soil in my tubs isn't very nutritious? I put slow release pellets in there when I planted, but maybe I should use some liquid miracle-gro too? Maybe thats just what do when their vines start running; the old leaves next to the roots die off?

#bloomscrolling #florespondence #flowers #gardening #pumpkins #fertilizer #pumpkin

Last updated 1 year ago

Roy Grubb · @roygrubb
76 followers · 506 posts · Server
Erik Delaquis · @ErikDee
119 followers · 52 posts · Server

Wow. Truly a game changer if the reported figures are proven correct. Sucks to be Morocco, who until now were holding the lion's share of global phosphate. This single deposit claimed to double global reserves. A century supply at current consumption rates. Astounding.

#agriculture #phosphate #fertilizer

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
272 followers · 9061 posts · Server · @hackster_io
1424 followers · 4629 posts · Server

RT from Kutluhan Aktar (@ThAmplituhedron)

🌱🪴📲 Detect chemical fertilizer contamination w/ object recognition and get notified of the results via @WhatsApp over .
@Hacksterio @EdgeImpulse @seeedstudio @dfrobotcn

Original tweet: (29 Jun 2023 03:38)

#iot #sdgs #environment #pollution #fertilizer #twilio #3dprinting #code #lorawan

Last updated 1 year ago

EU in Sri Lanka · @EU_in_Sri_Lanka
1 followers · 180 posts · Server

We are working with @FAOSriLanka to empower smallholder and seed paddy farmers like Attanayaka embrace climate-smart techniques that reduce chemical reliance while boosting harvests.
🌱Read more on this initiative👉

<div class="rsshub-quote">
FAO in Sri Lanka &amp; Maldives: "Due to the fertilizer shortage, we weren't able to cultivate our lands. Even smallholder farmers like us couldn't find enough fertilizer to cultivate."
Attanayaka from Ganegoda, Matale is one of 71,000 paddy farmers receiving EU-funded through @FAO this month.


#paddyfarmers #sustainableagriculture #fertilizer #LKA

Last updated 1 year ago

Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
1196 followers · 1360 posts · Server

in often rely on non-agricultural plants growing on field margins at different points in the season.

But what happens when agrochemicals from fields get into field margins?

Russo et al (2023) looked at the effects of & on resources in margin species – and on visitation of by pollinators. They showed shifts in resources and related shifts in visitation.

OA 🔗


#insect #pollinators #agricultural #ecosystems #herbicide #fertilizer #nectar #plant #flowers #pollinatorweek

Last updated 1 year ago