Unfortunately, the public comment period for this project has passed. But this editorial has good information in it.
EDITORIAL: Keep #PFAS out of recycled sewage sludge
By Gazette Editorial Board | June 9, 2023
"PFAS chemicals have recently been at the heart of health and environmental issues in Hoosick Falls, Petersburgh and other areas around the state, leading to legal action, tougher regulations and cleanup efforts.
"The chemicals have been linked to a variety of health issues, including kidney and testicular cancer, thyroid disease, colitis and high blood pressure.
"In most cases, the environmental contamination comes from the discharge of the compounds into the soil from manufacturers of products that use PFAS chemicals, such as #nonStick cooking material, #firefighting foam and stain-resistant #carpet.
"But those same dangerous chemicals may also be finding their way in greater amounts into our #soil, #groundwater and even #FoodSupply through their use in #fertilizers made from #sewage #sludge.
"It’s imperative that [#NewYorkState] do all it can to reduce PFAS chemicals into the environment, not add to them.
"That’s why groups like the #SierraClub and the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York are among those concerned about an element of the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s draft Solid Waste Management plan that could nearly triple the amount of recycled sewage sludge used in fertilizer and applied to #farmland and home #gardens.
"According to an article in the Altamont Enterprise, the DEC projects that 425,585 tons of sewage sludge is expected to be recycled this year. In 2018, the amount recycled was just over 300,000 tons. By 2050, the amount of recycled sludge is expected to rise to 782,527 tons, the newspaper reported.
"The potential for that sludge to contain PFAS chemicals means that there could be an increase in PFAS’s making their way into the environment.
"DEC officials said they recognize the potential for PFAS chemicals to re-enter the environment through sludge and they’re taking steps to address it, including proposing sampling requirements for so-called biosolids recycled in New York state, a comprehensive risk assessment to determine a limit for biosolids recycling, and efforts to identify potential commercial and industrial sources of PFAS chemicals in biosolids.
"The public really needs to keep an eye on this effort to ensure that the state is doing all it can to avoid contributing to more of these chemicals entering the environment."
#EPA #InformedConsent #PFOS #WaterIsLife #ToxicWaste #FoodProduction
#pfas #nonStick #Firefighting #carpet #soil #groundwater #foodsupply #fertilizers #sewage #sludge #newyorkstate #sierraclub #farmland #gardens #epa #informedconsent #pfos #waterislife #toxicwaste #foodproduction #chemicalmanufacturers
To be fair, when the above-mentioned MonsantoPapers were revealed no one could talk about them.
What were they about? What they meant, in terms of which science may've been perverted to #engineerConsent for a host of really quite criminal policies was kept completely from view of the general population.
#scienceAbuse #climate #water #bigPharma #bigAg #poisonsCartel #technoFeudalists #billGates #theMedia #fossilFuels #fertilizers #glyphosate #herbicides #gutHealth #rfkWasRight
#engineerConsent #scienceabuse #climate #water #bigpharma #bigag #poisonscartel #technoFeudalists #billgates #theMedia #fossilfuels #fertilizers #glyphosate #herbicides #guthealth #rfkwasright
@BroadforkForVictory I made the same observation.
People usually are very excited looking around our #NoDig #garden (s), but there is a degree of disbelief, that all this is achieved by spreading a bit of #compost - no #fertilizers, no #pesticides, no digging.
However, today is the next garden tour for the family of a friend, whom I will help with the transition to a nodig allotment in autumn.
Step by step.
#NoDig #garden #compost #fertilizers #pesticides
How Intensive Farming Practices Are Wiping Out Europe’s Wild Birds | via a huge @Natures_Voice collaboration & published by @PNASNews
by @GrrlScientist via @ForbesScience / @Forbes
#agriculture #farming #pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #birds https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2023/05/29/how-intensive-farming-practices-are-wiping-out-europes-wild-birds/
#agriculture #farming #pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #birds
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
#How The #United_States Is #Exporting #Obesity | AJ+ | #Obesity_rates are #soaring across the #globe. We look into the spread of #fast_fats and #fast_food in #Asia, #Africa and #South_America, and which #corporations are #profiting. (Hint: It's not just #McDonald's and #KFC.)
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
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https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
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http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health #HOW #united_states #exporting #obesity #Obesity_rates #Soaring #globe #fast_fats #Fast_food #asia #Africa #South_America #corporations #profiting #McDonald #kfc #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
#How The #United_States Is #Exporting #Obesity | AJ+ | #Obesity_rates are #soaring across the #globe. We look into the spread of #fast_fats and #fast_food in #Asia, #Africa and #South_America, and which #corporations are #profiting. (Hint: It's not just #McDonald's and #KFC.)
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
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https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health #HOW #united_states #exporting #obesity #Obesity_rates #Soaring #globe #fast_fats #Fast_food #asia #Africa #South_America #corporations #profiting #McDonald #kfc #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
#How The #United_States Is #Exporting #Obesity | AJ+ | #Obesity_rates are #soaring across the #globe. We look into the spread of #fast_fats and #fast_food in #Asia, #Africa and #South_America, and which #corporations are #profiting. (Hint: It's not just #McDonald's and #KFC.)
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health #HOW #united_states #exporting #obesity #Obesity_rates #Soaring #globe #fast_fats #Fast_food #asia #Africa #South_America #corporations #profiting #McDonald #kfc #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#FoodSecurity | Could #legumes partly replace mineral #fertilizers? Grown in association with cereals (cowpeas, groundnuts, etc), could they improve food security in #Africa? An article co-written by several #CIRAD researchers investigates...
More here 👉 https://bit.ly/3ANIcjp
#foodsecurity #Legumes #fertilizers #Africa #CIRAD
RT @YaraEurope: Thank you @jwojc for this important dialogue.
Together with all members of @FertilizersEuro, we can contribute to reducing nutrient losses and boosting Europe’s strategic autonomy in #fertilizers and #food. https://t.co/LFLxMXIHTq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jwojc/status/1651592147286519808
🥰 Young people from #Vinnytsia opened a tiny city #farm to grow 5 types of lettuce.
They plant 150 kilos of lettuce a week, which could be done on 18 hectares of the land. The product isn't treated with anything except water, light, and special #fertilizers.
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
#What Is #Live_Food? The term live food does not refer to eating #critters alive, but rather #raw, #uncooked, and #sprouted #vegetarian_foods, #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE approximately 115 #Degrees_Fahrenheit, consumed for optimizing #health, #reversing_disease, as well as delicious taste. The terms "live" or "living" food are used to differentiate the inclusion of sprouted and growing plants from simply #raw_harvested plants such as #leaves, #fruits, and #vegetables.
Kristine Nolfi, #MD is credited with coining the term " #Living_Food" in the 1940s to describe the #diet when writing about #healing_herself of #breast_cancer with #raw_vegan_foods. Live, raw, living foods are #not_cooked, #microwaved, or #irradiated, and ideally are #organic, that is, grown without the use of #chemical_pesticides, #herbicides, #fertilizers, or #genetic_modification (GMO). #Heating above 115 degrees #destroys the beneficial #enzymes, #micronutrients, #chemistry, and life force #energies of plants #crucial to #human_health.
Why Live Food?
Cooked food creates acidity and toxicity in the body, a fundamental key to cellular degeneration. Living plant material is the ultimate nutrient delivery system for the body because it contains much more than just chemicals; it contains complex living energies that plants absorb from the sun, moon, Earth, cosmic radiation, sounds of nature, lightning, animals, and the highly homeopathic water found in nature..
Disclaimer: TastingTraffic and/or its owners are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#what #Live_Food #critters #raw #uncooked #sprouted #vegetarian_foods #NOT_HEATED #ABOVE #Degrees_Fahrenheit #health #reversing_disease #raw_harvested #leaves #fruits #vegetables #MD #Living_Food #diet #healing_herself #Breast_Cancer #raw_vegan_foods #not_cooked #microwaved #irradiated #organic #chemical_pesticides #herbicides #fertilizers #genetic_modification #Heating #destroys #enzymes #micronutrients #chemistry #energies #crucial #human_health
Bad global management of #fertilization = nutrient-deficient croplands with poor access to #fertilizer limit production vs overfertilized areas with #pollution & #health problems. For #foodsecurity & #environment, more efficient use of #fertilizers needed: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40066-023-00409-5
#fertilization #fertilizer #pollution #health #foodsecurity #environment #fertilizers
Meet the #sargassum belt, a 5,000-mile-long snake of #seaweed circling #Florida
Key points:
- Sargassum can contain heavy metals, including arsenic. It has fairly high concentrations of the toxin, that, through leaching, that could impact groundwater.
- Humans are altering the nitrogen cycle. We're using more fertilizer, burning biomass, cutting down forests and increasing wastewater from cities, all of which sends ammonium, nitrate and phosphate down major river systems
March 15, 20235:00 AM ET
"In the open sea, healthy patches of sargassum can soak up carbon dioxide and serve as a critical habitat for fish, crabs, shrimp, turtles and birds.
"But if sargassum moves closer to the coast, the #seaweed can wreak havoc on local #ecosystems, smothering #coral reefs and altering the water's pH balance. Once ashore, clumps of sargassum can choke local economies by closing tourism sites, cutting off marinas and constricting fishing yields.
"Sargassum begins to rot after about 48 hours on land, releasing irritants like #hydrogensulfide, a hazard to anyone with respiratory issues like asthma. Oh, and the resulting smell resembles manure or rotten eggs — not a great spring break aroma.
"It used to be that sargassum rafts were disparate, sporadic bodies, causing little disruption to beach-going.
"But scientists noticed a change in sargassum levels in 2011, when masses of the seaweed multiplied, gaining in density and size, becoming so big they were captured on satellite images.
"Today, the patches comprise a 5,500-mile-long, 10 million-ton belt that circulates annually, starting near West Africa and snaking through the Gulf of Mexico back into the Atlantic."
#WaterIsLife #Pollution #Fertilizers #Runoff #IndustrialFarming
#sargassum #seaweed #florida #ecosystems #coral #hydrogensulfide #waterislife #pollution #fertilizers #runoff #industrialfarming
#Sargassum #Toxicity: Here's what you need to know
Experts predict it's likely here to stay
By Petar Denoble, MD, D.Sc., Mar 2, 2020
"If you’ve cruised the eastern #Caribbean or South #Florida recently, you probably caught a whiff of a rotten egg smell and noticed piles of floating brown seaweed hugging the shore. Far more than an eyesore, this Sargassum seaweed—and the gases it emits as it rots—has been proven to be hazardous to human health.
"Since 2011, massive Sargassum rafts have been washed up ashore along the eastern Caribbean, spoiling beaches, affecting near-coastal sea life, and causing health problems for beachgoers, boaters, and fishers. Recent satellite observations reveal an unprecedented belt of this brown macroalgae stretching from #WestAfrica to the Gulf of #Mexico—and experts predict that it’s likely there to stay. The problem has become such a menace south of the border that the Mexican Navy has been put in charge of dealing with it.
"Causes of the proliferation of #sargasso are thought to be the influx of fertilizers from the #Amazon and #Congo river basins; dust blown in from the #Sahara Desert carrying nitrogen, phosphorus, and #iron; and increased surface #temperature of the #ocean. In normal circumstances, the mass of sargasso may double in 11 days. With increasing temperatures, that growth gets boosted. The thickness of sargasso rafts gets larger, and the shores get hit by walls of sargasso mass.
"Under normal conditions, floating Sargassum is a thriving #ecosystem, providing a vital habitat and food source for many sea species—including turtles and mahi-mahi. But when it grows too thick, #dolphins and #turtles cannot break through it to the surface and often choke. And when sunlight cannot get through it to the bottom, bottom life gets damaged to the point of #extinction.
"Sargassum presents risks to human health as well. In the water, it’s harmless to humans, but the trouble begins once it lands on the beach and starts to decompose. The decomposition of beached sargasso begins 48 hours after washing up. It then releases hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas and ammonia. H2S is a broad-spectrum poison that smells of rotten eggs.
"Breathing in these toxic gases may cause respiratory, skin and #neurocognitive symptoms in people that come in close contact with degrading sargasso. In 2018, in Guadeloupe and Martinique, there were 11,000 cases of suspected #poisoning reported. Patients complained of heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, vertigo, headache, and skin rashes."
#sargassum #toxicity #caribbean #florida #westafrica #mexico #sargasso #amazon #congo #sahara #iron #temperature #ocean #ecosystem #dolphins #turtles #extinction #neurocognitive #poisoning #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #pollution #fertilizers
Somewhere in my archives, I have a link (or possibly the full-text) for the whole story. But here's a good summary...
Science News: The Weekly Newsmagazine
A Science Service Publication
Volume 140, No.6, August 10. 1991
Wood Ash: The unregulated radwaste
"While cleaning ashes from his fireplace two years ago, Stewart A. Farber mused that if trees filter and store airborne pollutants, they might also harbor fallout from the nuclear weapons tests of the 1950s and 1960s. On a whim, he brought some of his fireplace ash to Yankee Atomic Electric Companies' environmental lab in Boston, Mass., where he manages environmental monitoring. Farber says he was amazed to discover that his sample showed the distinctive #cesium and strontium 'signatures' of #nuclear fallout-and that the concentration of radioactivity 'was easily 100 times greater than anything (our Lab) had ever seen in an environmental sample.'
"Since then, he has obtained wood-ash radioactivity assays from 16 other scientists across the nation. These 47 data sets, representing trees in 14 states, suggest that fallout in wood ash 'is a major source of radioactivity released into the environment,' Farber says. With the exception of some very low California readings, all measurements of ash with fallout-cesium exceeded - some by 100 times or more - the levels of radioactive cesium that may be released from nuclear plants (about 100 picocuries per kilogram of sludge). Ash-cesium levels were especially high in the Northeast - probably because naturally high levels of nonradioactive cesium in the soil discourage trees from releasing fallout-derived cesium through their roots, he says. [Plus the soil in the Northeast is more acidic, which makes the trees more likely to absorb radioactive cesium. I'm sure acid rain has made that a lot worse since 1991]
"Industrial wood burning in the United States generates and estimated 900,000 tons of ash each year: residential and utility wood burning generates another 543,000 tons. Already, many companies are recycling this unregulated ash in #fertilizers. The irony, Farber says, is that federal regulations require releases from nuclear plants to be disposed of as radioactive waste if they contain even 1 percent of the cesium and strontium levels detected in the ash samples from New England. If ash were subject to the same regulations, he says, its disposal would cost U.A. wood burners more than $30 billion annually."
#Fukushima #FukushimaWater #NoNukes #NoDumping #NoNewNukes #AtomkraftNeinDanke #AntiAtom
#cesium #nuclear #fertilizers #fukushima #FukushimaWater #nonukes #nodumping #nonewnukes #atomkraftneindanke #antiatom
"#Fertilizers filled with the nutrient boosted our ability to feed the planet. Today, they’re creating vast and growing #DeadZones in our lakes and seas."
#Phosphorus Saved Our Way of Life—and Now Threatens to End It
#AlgalBlooms #HABs #BigAg #Agrochimie #CAFOs #FactoryFarming #WaterPollution #eutrophication
#eutrophication #waterpollution #factoryfarming #cafos #agrochimie #bigag #habs #algalblooms #phosphorus #deadzones #fertilizers