A 2022 Christmastime Blathering
As the year comes to a close, it is often filled with mixed emotions about my personal evaluation of my performance for the year. Many things were advanced, some things didn't advance far enough and others may have even regressed a bit but I would say, over all, I am in a better position today than I was at the end of last year.
It's easy to dwell on the mistak
#FestiveLights #Nonsense
Time for festive trees. #quince #damson #FestiveLights
#quince #damson #festivelights
Ljubljana se pripravlja na prižig prazničnih lučk, ki bo jutri, 25. novembra, ob 17.15. Vstop bodo popestrile zabavne in kulturne prireditve, ki se bodo vrstile vse do konca leta. #festivelights #prižiglučk #christmas #božič #stavideo @TurizemLJ@twitter.com @visitljubljana@twitter.com
#stavideo #bozic #Christmas #prizigluck #festivelights