Wishing everyone a Happy #Festivus today - for over 15 years my friends and I have gotten together every December 23rd to get our #FestivusPole out of the crawlspace and revel in the #FestivusMiracles of this made-up (but very real for us,) holiday. To those who celebrate, may your Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength be both eventful and productive, and your day free of distracting tinsel.
#festivus #festivuspole #festivusmiracles
Happy #Festivus!
During the #festivusdinner we begin with the #airingofgrievances.
"I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it!"
Only then the wrestling of the #featsofstrength could happen.
Don't hope for a #festivusmiracle after you disappointed me so much this year!
#SeinfeldFestivus #FestivusForTheRestOfUs #Seinfeld #Festivuspole #KätToon
#festivus #festivusdinner #airingofgrievances #featsofstrength #festivusmiracle #SeinfeldFestivus #FestivusForTheRestOfUs #seinfeld #festivuspole #kattoon
Happy #Festivus!
During the #festivusdinner we begin with the #airingofgrievances.
"I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you're going to hear about it!"
Only then the wrestling of the #featsofstrength could happen.
Don't hope for a #festivusmiracle after you disappointed me so much this year!
#SeinfeldFestivus #FestivusForTheRestOfUs #Seinfeld #Festivuspole #KätToon
#festivus #festivusdinner #airingofgrievances #featsofstrength #festivusmiracle #SeinfeldFestivus #FestivusForTheRestOfUs #seinfeld #festivuspole #kattoon