Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
680 followers · 20171 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
583 followers · 28827 posts · Server

"" are not and it's and not to refer to them that way" and " who have early of wanted are still to grieve and consider them their " are two that can and should "

""people who made the difficult to have an it's right for them and their are still allowed to grieve how things could have been if their had been different" is another statement that should be added"

#aborted #fetuses #technically #lives #harmful #medically #accurate #people #miscarriages #pregnancies #allowed #child #statements #coexist #decision #abortion #because #situation #circumstances #AusGov #politas

Last updated 1 year ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
283 followers · 4417 posts · Server

" convey reality in a way that words cannot. One of these days, the of in a may make the same decision Mamie did of her son in 1955."

Yes, it'd be awful. But it'd also get people's attention, like "pro-lifers" did when they started holding up graphic pictures of at their demonstrations.
It Is Time to Show the American People Photographs of Children by

#iamdb #gunviolence #massacred #fetuses #aborted #Emmett #Till #schoolshooting #murdered #children #parents #pictures

Last updated 2 years ago

Oden · @Gjallarhornet
707 followers · 4459 posts · Server
beSpacific · @bespacific
752 followers · 1220 posts · Server

@politicsbot "But what many of us have missed is that the tactic of protecting voiceless innocent has now been deployed to deprive actual living, breathing, ambulating humans of moral agency as well. It’s the tactic being used to go after to families seeking to support . It is also a creeping form of that ensures that for some politicians we all remain forever."

#unborn #banbooks #silence #dragperformances #deny #healthcare #transkids #illiberalism #gop #fetuses #civilliberties

Last updated 2 years ago

US Dept of Shitposting · @usdosp
545 followers · 331 posts · Server

I'm starting to see things from the is that several large food and beverage makers use as ingredients in their food.

Applying a bit of to this, and it strikes me that this would not be a very cost effective food additive. And that is without even questioning what value it could add to food production...

#lunaticfringe #gqp #aborted #fetuses #critical #thinking

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
669 followers · 1678 posts · Server

Disturbed transmission via receptors in chick impairs the hatchlings’ preference for animate objects—similar to what is seen in spectrum disorder in humans.

#nicotinic #acetylcholine #fetuses #autism #neuroscience #biology #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago