"Moving on" is a defense for the hit-and-run murderer. Yeah I ran down your family but can we just stop obsessing over the past?
#News #Politics #dismalpollnumbers #presidentialcampaign #FloridaGovernor #feudwithmediagiant #disneylawsuit #rondesantis
#rondesantis #disneylawsuit #feudwithmediagiant #FloridaGovernor #presidentialcampaign #dismalpollnumbers #Politics #News
Ron DeSantis Wants Disney To ‘Drop The Lawsuit’ Because He’s ‘Moved On’ The Florida governor, running for president with dismal poll numbers, has been mocked by Democrats and Republicans for his feud with the media giant.
#RonDeSantis #DisneyLawsuit #FeudWithMediaGiant #FloridaGovernor #PresidentialCampaign #DismalPollNumbers #Politics #News
#rondesantis #disneylawsuit #feudwithmediagiant #floridagovernor #presidentialcampaign #dismalpollnumbers #politics #news