Well that’s a wrap! Thank you so much to our wonderful speakers @janetfew, @researchdogbody, @helenshields + Ann Simcock + to all those who joined us today.
We hope you enjoyed the different stories + the research involved. Should you wish to donate to a women's charity https://www.justgiving.com/standingtogether
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
Finally last, but certainly not least, we have @researchdogbody providing us with the story of Bridget Carroll (later Bridget Pattenden) an inmate of St. Joseph's Reformatory for Inebriate Women in Deptford Kent which contains details of alcoholism and lawbreaking.
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
And now @janetfew is regaling us with details of the Leighton Sisters from Herne Hill, Lambeth which covers mental health, no descendants.
A link to donate to a women's charity should you wish to https://www.justgiving.com/standingtogether
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
@helenshields gave us a fascinating insight into the value of coroners cases when exploring women’s lives - between 1824-1835 about 5 inquests per year were reported in North Devon involving women and girls whose clothes caught fire.
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
And we're off for the final session of the day... @janetfew is giving us an introduction and background to the #FewForgottenWomen project. #InternationalWomensDay2023 #FewForgottenWomenIWD
#fewforgottenwomen #internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
Are you joining us for our final session at 7.30pm this evening? If so you are in for a treat! Fascinating, but I’m sure heart wrenching, talks a plenty from @JanetFew @researchdogbody + @shields_h It’s not too late - Link below
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
Another superb talk - this time from @researchdogbody - which brings us to the end of our afternoon session - you still have time to join us for our final session and 3 new talks this evening at 7.30pm #InternationalWomensDay2023
#FewForgottenWomenIWD #InternationalWomensDay
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd #internationalwomensday #fewforgottenwomen
A compelling story from @SimcockAnn thank you; now we are going to hear again from @JanetFew this time telling the story of Anne Stratford (later Howe) from Aston Clinton, Bucks incl poverty, women + work. #InternationalWomensDay2023 #FewForgottenWomenIWD #InternationalWomensDay
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd #internationalwomensday
After an introduction on #FewForgottenWomen project from @JanetFew, we now have @SimcockAnn telling the story of Eliza Thrasher 1847-1905 from Northampton which includes alcoholism, poverty + child abuse #InternationalWomensDay2023 #FewForgottenWomenIWD #InternationalWomensDay
#fewforgottenwomen #internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd #internationalwomensday
We are about to start our afternoon session with talks on Eliza Thrasher, Anne Stratford and Margaret Jane Fallon…. It’s not too late to join us #InternationalWomensDay2023 #FewForgottenWomenIWD #InternationalWomensDay #FewForgottonWomen
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd #internationalwomensday #fewforgottonwomen
What a great story to finish off with… thanks @JanetFew! Don’t forget we have two more sessions with different stories at 2.30pm and 7.30pm today. It’s not too late to register.
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd
Thanks to @SimcockAnn for a very interesting talk with lots of background info; now @JanetFew is talking to us about Charity Platt and prostitution…. #InternationalWomensDay2023 #FewForgottenWomenIWD #FewForgottenWomen #InternationalWomensDay
#internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomeniwd #fewforgottenwomen #internationalwomensday
And now @shields_h is giving the first of this morning’s talks telling us a little about the background of the Leeds Ragged school and the story of Isabella Holmes… #InternationalWomensDay #FewForgottenWomenIWD #InternationalWomensDay2023 #FewForgottenWomen
#internationalwomensday #fewforgottenwomeniwd #internationalwomensday2023 #fewforgottenwomen
And we're off! @janetfew is giving the introduction ahead of the first of our three talks this morning. #FewForgottenWomenIWD #InternationalWomensDay #InternationalWomensDay2023
#fewforgottenwomeniwd #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2023