Gizmodo: Disney Isn't Moving Forward With Its Captain Nemo Series #entertainmentculture #feydrauthaharkonnen #denisvilleneuve #starwarsahsoka #margotfenring #austinbutler #countfenring #thedeepdark #emmaroberts #mathieuturi #mickjagger #leaseydoux #feydrautha #nautilus #disney #ahsoka
#entertainmentculture #feydrauthaharkonnen #denisvilleneuve #starwarsahsoka #margotfenring #austinbutler #countfenring #thedeepdark #emmaroberts #mathieuturi #mickjagger #leaseydoux #feydrautha #nautilus #disney #ahsoka
#FeydRautha from #Dune - specifically, from Moebius's concept art Jodorowsky's doomed 1970s production, complete with thigh-highs and alarmingly phallic sword. Sadly, Austin Butler's upcoming version of the character depicts him as a bald, chalky white gladiator - the world clearly still isn't ready for Moebius's glorious femboy Feyd. #femboy #twink #bigpenis #bulge #largepenis #lipstick
#feydrautha #dune #femboy #twink #bigpenis #bulge #largepenis #lipstick