Angus Cloud: Amigos relatam último encontro e como estava o ator de ‘Euphoria’
#Zendaya #SydneySweeney #Morte #Fez #Euphoria #AngusCloud #ViNoInstagram #Famosos
#zendaya #sydneysweeney #morte #fez #euphoria #anguscloud #vinoinstagram #famosos
Angus Cloud #Fez #Fezco de #Euphoria ha fallecido a los 25 años
Angus Cloud’s family releases statement on his passing to TMZ:
“Last week he buried his father and intensely struggled with this loss. The only comfort we have is knowing Angus is now reunited with his dad, who was his best friend. Angus was open about his battle with mental health and we hope that his passing can be a reminder to others that they are not alone and should not fight this on their own in silence.”
Indie Game : The Movie (2012)
Une fascinante plongée dans l’univers (l’enfer ?) créatif et le jusqu'au-boutisme de ces nerds passionnés.
#IndieGameTheMovie #IndieGame #LisannePajot #JamesSwirsky #JeuVideo #VideoGame #SuperMeatBall #EdmundMcMillen #TommyRefenes #Fez #PhilFish #RenaudBédard #Documentaire #Film #Cinema
#indiegamethemovie #indiegame #lisannepajot #jamesswirsky #jeuvideo #videogame #supermeatball #edmundmcmillen #tommyrefenes #fez #philfish #renaudbedard #documentaire #film #cinema
Moin #Fedinauten
herrliche Luft heute früh nach dem nächtlichen Regen .. in der Sonne dann aber doch recht schnell ziemlich warm 🌞
.. zweiter Tag mit #Clieckies .. okay, es ist doch anstrengend .. zumindest bei gefühlt 98% Luftfeuchtigkeit 🥵 .. macht aber #fez
.. kann mich kaum noch erinnern, dass ich die Strecke tatsächlich jahrelang mit dem #Auto gefahren bin gefahren bin
.. #mdRzA rocks 🤘
In diesem Sinne .. fahrt mehr Fahrrad, Leute! und habt 'nen hübschen #Mittwoch
#mittwoch #mdrza #auto #fez #clieckies #fedinauten
Sternwarte in Koorperation mit dem orbitall im FEZ ermöglicht Schulen faszinierende Sonnenbeobachtung: Das Klassenzimmer als Online-Sternwarte
DLR und orbitall im #FEZ Berlin eröffnen DLR_School_Lab Online Observatory. Deutschlandweit können Schulklassen online die Sonne über zwei Teleskope beobachten. Eine Pressemitteilung des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (#DLR). (sg)
..zag ik de mannen in die #Souks, die keken naar mijn #dochters en dan mij achter hen zagen lopen. Ik zag het in de ogen van die mannen: 'laat zijn dochters met rust!'.
#Hilarisch was een bezoek aan de #leerlooierij van #fez.
Ik liep opnieuw achter mijn dochters in een winkel en de eigenaar zag het direct. 'Dat is de man met de #portemonnee'.
Mijn dochters vergaten 1 ding te vermelden. Elke dag groeten zij netjes de #chauffeur en #bijrijder van de bus ...(4)
#bijrijder #chauffeur #portemonnee #fez #leerlooierij #Hilarisch #dochters #souks #nostalgie #verhaaltje
(ricordi) Fez è la più antica delle città imperiali marocchine.
La sua medina è davvero impressionante.
#fez #marocco #viaggioinsolitaria #viaggiare #turismofaidate #turismo #travelblog #travel #travelblogger
#fez #marocco #viaggioinsolitaria #viaggiare #turismofaidate #turismo #travelblog #travel #travelblogger
Don't Panic but The 42 Fez returns for ONLY 42 Hours! - We're celebrating Towel Day with the 42 hour return of this rare design!
Available only until Friday morning at
#TowelDay #42 #fez #FezORama #H2G2 #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #dontpanic
#towelday #fez #fezorama #h2g2 #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #dontpanic
Spent the week running color tests in thread for our new Pride fez design and making a sample of an embroidered badge as an exclusive for my Patreon members. Finally got everything posted to the website Friday afternoon before heading out to yet another Dr appointment.
#embroidery #pride #fez #fezorama
I loved #Fez - where #UNESCO supported restoration of this #WorldHeritage city is meticulously done by traditional craft-knowledge…
and the #SacredMusic #festival is also wonderful & highly recommended !
#fez #unesco #WorldHeritage #sacredmusic #festival
Watching the pure comic genius of Laurel & Hardy in one of their funniest films “Sons of The Desert” “Your not going to the mountains, your going to the Convention” 🤣🤣 A Classic comedy #LaurelandHardy #sonsofthedesert #fez #humpdayfun #wednesdayfun
#laurelandhardy #sonsofthedesert #fez #humpdayfun #wednesdayfun
For #SilentSunday some images from the #Souks in #Fez and the Madrasa Attarine near Qarawiyyin University.
Normally these places are hardly silent, but they are very quiet in the mornings before the stores open (especially during #Ramadan when a lot of people go back to bed after #Subh).
But one type of noise that is blissfully absent all the time: motor vehicle racket. If you need something transported, you use a cart or a donkey.
#silentsunday #souks #fez #ramadan #subh
Arrivo 11 anni in ritardo, ma che capolavoro è Fez?
#giochisegreti #patientgamer #fez
A Gentle Breeze
The town of Moulay Idris, about an hour from Meknes, is home to the zawiya of Moulay Idris I, the first in the line of the #Idrisid rulers. He himself was a political refugee of Arab descent from the #Mashriq, or Near East, and he established his authority in what is now central #Morocco by cultivating a good relationship with the local #Berber tribes.
The Idrisids founded #Fez, but the little town is still the place to go each August to witness the moussem, or celebration of Moulay Idris I as a saint of sorts.
I can't show pictures of what it looks like inside the mosque or tomb buildings, but I can tell you that as I sat near the tomb and listened to those around me chant wirds (long #Sufi prayers), the faintest and most delightful of cool breezes wafted around the large chamber. I myself am not #Sufi but I believe that #Allah SWT honored my visit with this lovely gift.
Attached are photos of the town as well as the minaret of the mosque. #Islam
#idrisid #mashriq #morocco #berber #fez #sufi #allah #islam
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheBBCIntroducingMixtape
🎵 The Eulogy
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheBBCIntroducingMixtape #fez
Simon Parkin's My Perfect Console episode with Philippe Poisson (Phil Fish) is a great listen - there's so much more than the news on Fez 2, it's fascinating to know what games and why they inspired the game designers being interviewed. #podcast #myperfectconsole #simonparkin #videogames #gaming #philfish #fez #fez2
#fez2 #fez #philfish #Gaming #videogames #simonparkin #myperfectconsole #Podcast