昔のゲームってテキストがデータ量?食うからFF4も文字じゃなくてドットアイコンをぐりぐり動かしてものを表現しようとしてると思うんだけど(飛空艇改造する時のシドとエッジとか) 私的にグッときたのはここ カインが想い人ローザと親友セシルの抱擁を素直に祝福出来ず目を背ける一枚目(この後二度目の裏切り起こす)に対し 二枚目の全員が覚悟を決めたこのシーンでは二人を真っ直ぐ見守ってるんすよ………(と言ったもののピクリマと元のゲームだと細かい演出違ってるかもだが…)
Going live with some Final Fantasy 4: Free Enterprise, 4/7 Objectives, Wildish Chests, All KI Locations
#randomizer #ff4 #finalfantasy #retrogaming #streaming #twitch #goinglive
#randomizer #ff4 #finalfantasy #retrogaming #streaming #twitch #goinglive
I'm going live on some FF4: Free Enterprise w/ Demerine!
#twitch #streaming #retrogaming #ff4 #finalfantasy #randomizer #originalhardware
#twitch #streaming #retrogaming #ff4 #finalfantasy #randomizer #originalhardware
Time to slay an ancient evil on the moon with our cybernetic space whale in Final Fantasy 4: Free Enterprise!
#ff4 #snes #streaming #smallstreamer #originalhardware #sfc #retrogaming #retrogames #randomizer
#ff4 #snes #streaming #smallstreamer #originalhardware #sfc #retrogaming #retrogames #randomizer
I'm going live with Demerine with some FF4 Free Enterprise - 4/7 Objectives - Wild Chests
#sfc #snes #finalfantasy #ff4 #originalhardware #streaming #smallstreamer #twitch #vtuber
#sfc #snes #finalfantasy #ff4 #originalhardware #streaming #smallstreamer #twitch #vtuber
Help celebrate my becoming a Twitch affiliate by watching me take a whale to the moon to slaughter an ancient evil in FF4: Free Enterprise!
#twitch #streaming #sfc #snes #ff4 #originalhardware
Going live with some Final Fantasy 4: Free Enterprise - 4/7 Objectives - Wild Chests!
#twitch #streaming #ff4 #sfc #snes #randomizer #originalhardware
#twitch #streaming #ff4 #sfc #snes #randomizer #originalhardware
Working on a worst-case flag list to test my ability to cope with nonsense, It's time for some FF4:FE!
#smallstreamer #ff4 #snes #sfc #originalhardware #randomizer #streaming
#smallstreamer #ff4 #snes #sfc #originalhardware #randomizer #streaming
Tonight I'm joined by Demerine as we work through a bit of FF4FE practice for PUWP 2023!
#ff4 #stream #twitch #finalfantasy #snes #sfc #originalhardware #randomizer
#ff4 #stream #twitch #finalfantasy #snes #sfc #originalhardware #randomizer
Tonight I'm joined by Demerine as we work through a bit of FF4FE practice for PUWP 2023!
#smallstreamer #twitch #sfc #snes #ff4 #randomizer #originalhardware #goinglive
#smallstreamer #twitch #sfc #snes #ff4 #randomizer #originalhardware #goinglive
Strap on your Gaea Hat and down a cold Cure3, it's time to kick Zeromus' butt in FF4:FE!
#originalhardware #randomizer #ff4 #snes #sfc #twitch #smallstreamer
#originalhardware #randomizer #ff4 #snes #sfc #twitch #smallstreamer
Strap on your Gaea hat and grab a cold Cure3, it's time to kick Zeromus' butt in FF4: Free Enterprise!
#smallstreamer #Streamer #ff4 #finalfantasy #originalhardware #randomizer #snes #sfc
#smallstreamer #streamer #ff4 #finalfantasy #originalhardware #randomizer #snes #sfc
Since Super Metroid is out of the mix for upcoming marathons, I'm gonna be running some more FF4:FE seeds. Time to kick some Zeromus butt!
#twitch #twitchstreamer #smallstreamer #ff4 #randomizer #snes #sfc #originalhardware
#twitch #twitchstreamer #smallstreamer #ff4 #randomizer #snes #sfc #originalhardware
I got accepted into Power Up With Pride, so I'll be running this variant of FF4:FE as it's the one that got in!
#smallstreamer #randomizer #ff4 #finalfantasy #snes #sfc #originalhardware
#smallstreamer #randomizer #ff4 #finalfantasy #snes #sfc #originalhardware