オリジナルの頭身で :kawaii_xtu__i:
#FF7EC : Je veux juste jouer l'histoire, laisse moi tranquille avec tes micro-transactions !1!1!1!1
わしゃ生で #FF7EC やるんだこれは見なきゃ
I had a thematically relevant feast to celebrate the new content with my #Cloud #Aerith and #Wedge mini #figurines! 😋 🍕
#Clerith #Werith #Cledge #Cleridge #CloudxWedge #WedgexCloud #CloudAndWedge #WedgeAndCloud #AerithxWedge #WedgexAerith #AerithAndWedge #WedgeAndAerith #CloudxAerithxWedge #CloudAerithAndWedge #Final_Fantasy_VII_Ever_Crisis #FinalFantasyVIIEverCrisis #FFVIIEC #FFVII_EC #FinalFantasy7EverCrisis #Final_Fantasy_7_Ever_Crisis #FF7EC #FF7_EC #FFVII #FF7 #EverCrisis #Ever_Crisis #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7 #food #pizza
#cloud #aerith #wedge #figurines #clerith #werith #cledge #cleridge #cloudxwedge #wedgexcloud #cloudandwedge #wedgeandcloud #aerithxwedge #wedgexaerith #aerithandwedge #wedgeandaerith #cloudxaerithxwedge #cloudaerithandwedge #final_fantasy_vii_ever_crisis #finalfantasyviievercrisis #ffviiec #ffvii_ec #finalfantasy7evercrisis #final_fantasy_7_ever_crisis #ff7ec #ff7_ec #ffvii #ff7 #evercrisis #ever_crisis #final_fantasy_vii #final_fantasy_7 #food #pizza
I'm currently down with COVID, but the #Final_Fantasy_VII_Ever_Crisis closed beta has dropped and I'm loving watching people play it! 💚 The graphics and art style are so fun, the battle mechanics look epic and two of my FFVII OTPs (#Clerith and #Cledge) got some cute new moments for me to fawn over! Now if only all three of them could have a scene together so I can live my #Cleridge fantasy! 🌤️ 🌍 🍕
#FinalFantasyVIIEverCrisis #FFVIIEC #FFVII_EC #FinalFantasy7EverCrisis #Final_Fantasy_7_Ever_Crisis #FF7EC #FF7_EC #FFVII #FF7 #EverCrisis #Ever_Crisis #Final_Fantasy_VII #Final_Fantasy_7
#final_fantasy_vii_ever_crisis #clerith #cledge #cleridge #finalfantasyviievercrisis #ffviiec #ffvii_ec #finalfantasy7evercrisis #final_fantasy_7_ever_crisis #ff7ec #ff7_ec #ffvii #ff7 #evercrisis #ever_crisis #final_fantasy_vii #final_fantasy_7
A huge positive is the battle system. It fits brilliantly for a mobile game.
You attack continually, and make selections based on special attacks/magic.
It makes things fast paced, yet the enemies and bosses remain challenging when necessary.
Your only control one character at a time, and your teammates will choose to heal or attack with an enemies weakness when appropriate, so the AI is pretty good.
Plus, you can chain limit breaks. Very cool.
Another criticism, the game seems to be crashing during SOME gacha pulls. Don't like that. Thankfully when it happened to me, it had loaded already, but there was one time that it crashed, I lost my pulls, and it was already paid for with my pull tickets.
HOWEVER, it is a beta to test gameplay and server stuff, or whatever, so its to be expected. I spent no real money, and they are handing out pull cards and premium currency for free, like Halloween candy, so no big loss.
Okay, so overall, I like Ever Crisis. It fits as a mobile game. They added a lot of unnecessary filler, no idea why, but it partially comes off as tutorial/training stuff, without actually saying anything.
For the first bit of the game, it works okay, if it keeps up further, yeah, that's a valid criticism.